
Showing posts from June, 2012

Friday, June 29

Could June have gone by any quicker?  2012 (after midnight tomorrow) will now be half done?   wow.  as I have written many effin times before, I don't have an unlimited supply of half-years left.  I don't have a bucket list, either, so maybe I should get started on that. check this out - even though foodstamp spending by the govt has increased 100% under obama, we are actively trying to get more parasites attached to the ghost moose: so - we have programs to give free cell phones to the poor, free cable tv, free rent, free college tuition.  let's force the taxpayer to eat bologna and hamburger so these parasites can buy beer and ciggies with the money we give them.  oh - that health care plan will really help those of us already paying for health care, no doubt.  we are in deep do-do, folks.  how did things get this bad?  remember - you are a racist if you do not vo

Thursday, June 28

triple digit temps today.  enjoy it while it lasts.  did you see the clip of obama congratulating the "miami heatS"?????  letterman better get his clip of Sarah Palin talking about seeing Russia from her porch.  the emperor is wearing no clothes. the contempt vote for atty general holder will be today.  the black, hispanic and asian congressman are organizing a walkout during the vote. too bad jesse jackson jr is exhaused, or he could wear a hoodie and make a big show during the walkout.  if you are white in this country, you are screwed.  and if you are white and don't vote for obama, you are racist.  if you are black and vote for romney, you are an uncle tom. and if you have peas, eat them. eacho peez. 

Wednesday, June 27

supposed to get hot.  much better alternative than cold.  so - this is what the courts spend time on: legislating how mini-golf holes are built.  mandating that amusement park rides be equipped for hanicapped.  allowing mini-horses as handicapped helpers.  with all that is wrong with this country, time and money is spent on this crap?  Nabisco created a stir with posting a picture of an oreo supporting the gay lifestyle. I wonder how much pubic hair would be on the gay oreo if they made one? (tell me you didn't think of that exact joke.  or mabe your joke was about the filling) I am tired today.  too tired to tell you to eacho peez.  maybe tomorrow. 

Tuesday, June 26

another beautiful day.  supposed to get hot Thursday.  and no rain in sight.  exhaustion....why is it that the normal working man cannot claim exhaustion?  our cure for exhaustion is Saturday and Sunday.  tell your boss you are exhausted and the reply would be to only work 50 hours a week.  but we read today that jesse jackson jr. has taken a leave of absence to be treated for exhaustion.  that probably means that having affairs with bikini models and offering bribes for senate seats is really, really exhausting.  and so is eating your peas. so eacho peez.

Monday, June 25

the last week of June....then 2012 will be half over.  wow.  someone please slow down the passage of time.   I am not ready to see the sands in my hourglass hit the lower half so quickly.  I did not comment on the guilty verdict of Jerry Sandusky.  but, there is a special corner of hell reserved for child molesters.  I read he is on suicide watch.  why not let him kill himself?  would the world not be that much better with that fucking piece of shit not part of it?  the supreme court is expected to rule on obamacare soon.  they have already upheld part of the Arizona immigration law....good for AZ.  the nerve of them wanting to protect themselves from the flow of illegals, huh?  of course, when our president makes it possible for the flow to continue, it is an uphill battle.  more death and destruction in chicago over the weekend.  I am hoping those speeding cameras get things under control soon.  that, plus the gun buyback (where gun replicas are also bought back) seem to reall

Saturday, June 23

Can this be for real? what would you think of someone that gave you for your wedding a donation to the obama campaign?  what unmitigated gall to even think of such a thing.  honestly - think about this.  using your wedding to finance more failure?  are they that desperate?  and this...of course, you have seen the video of Obama trip on stage, right? haven't??  if it was Bush, it would be on every news program, and part of Leno and Letterman's monologues. (you may have to double click on the link - it is working strangely - or get it from Drudge) must be time for letterman to show the iraqi throwing a shoe at bush again. we are in deep do-do.  and I don't m

Friday, June 22

tgif.  it's about time.  but no golf this weekend, so that is kind of a bummer.  summer solstice has come and gone...the days are noticeably shorter now.  just kidding.  but, we are on the downslide - in a month or so we will start noticing shorter days again as we march on into fall...but wait - today is the first day of summer, so I am getting ahead of myself.  another shooting in the middle of the loop in chicago.  I hope those speeding cameras and 5 cent per bottle water tax make chicago safer....what a lawless shithole.  the UN needs to get that peacekeeping force to chicago and pronto. i saw a story on fox news that some guy in wrigleyville had his throat slashed in a random act of violence ON SUNDAY.  and it is just now being reported.  the race of the scum that did it??? well, they didn't say, but the police sketch indicated he was black.  the guess....ok - now the next story..the very next story was about a video of zimmerman showiing the cops what

Thursday, June 21

the day kind of got away from me.  time does fly..... check out this story from the Trib:,0,3480053.story the fund raiser associated with Jesse Jackson Jr is arrested and charged with multiple crimes.  but at what point does jackson face the music?  I wrote previoulsy about this brothers and allegations of drug dealing.  and one or both of them ended up with a budweiser distributorship.  at what point do we stop rewarding this behavior?  or, as we have learned, if you associate with the right type of criminal, you get elected president. and tell people to eacho peez.

Wednesday, June 20

smokin hot outside.  july weather in june.  I forgot to post earlier - there hasn't been any stories to really grind my gears (thanks Peter Griffin).... but the uproar about the Addidas shackle shoes was a laugh.  did slaves wear addidas shoes?  why would anyone be offended by those shoes, unless it was a group of people who have an obsessive need to feel offended by every story they read.  granted, the shoes were a real joke that probably no one would buy - but why shouldn't addidas be free to sell whatever shoes they wanted?  there was a story a day or two ago about the recorded conversation between (white hispanic) zimmerman, and his wife.  and supposedly, they used some code words to describe some financial issues.  ok - that may be contempt of court, or whatever he is charged with.  but....does anyone remember when jesse jackson's sons were recorded speaking in code words about some drug dealings?  and they were allowed to have a press conference to yuck it up a

Tuesday, June 19

a hot one today.  I should be golfing. I see the US is sending more troops to the persian gulf.  when will troops be sent to the lawless pit known as Chicago?  how many murders must be committed before more drastic action is taken?  how many mob beatings of tourists must we have to show the "world class city that hosted the NATO summit" is a dangerous place that should be avoided?  the excuse used last memorial day that the beaches had to be closed due to the heat can only be used once.  because the beaches were closed because of out of control mobs beating those who were there because it was a hot day.  oh - and the illinois (the most poorly run state in the country) pension problem is getting worse.  worse for the taxpayer, anyway.  not for those 52 year olds retired on 100 grand per year.  I don't think it matters who we elect as sentor, governor, president.  we are pretty much doomed at this point.  call me an alarmist, but there is no fixing this ghost moose. 

Monday, June 18

Beautiful weekend, and now the heat.  of course, it can never be too hot for me.  bring it on.  nicer to golf, fish and drink beer in the heat than to do it in the cold.  as we get closer to election time, the apologists for obama are crowing louder all the time.  here we have an economic advisor saying obama should have a mea cupla, which means "my mistake".  so, in other words, give me a do-over. kind of like Steve Urkel - "did I do that????"  as he looks at all the graphs that show downward trends when we need upward trends. here is one commemerating his 100th round of golf rome is burning...and nero fiddles.  because he is only good at fiddling. here is a story about a former professor of obama saying we must not re-elect obama. http://www.da

Sunday, June 17

Happy Father's day.  finally saw some improvement with the golf game yesterday.  I went from being really horseshit to just sucking.  progress, progress. very nice that all the police resources in chicago were re-deployed to a single social event - a wedding attended by obama.  now today, no doubt, the expressway to ohare will be shut down to allow the motorcade to get there without inconveniencing obama on his way to the next fundraiser.  and, of course, michelle is on her way to give a speach at the school where her brother works.  november can't get here soon enough. read this story, note what is missing, then read the comments below the story. in cities all over the country, rampaging mobs of black youth are targeting lone white citizens.  for no reason.  and the only reason we are hearing of them is there is no reporting of these unprosecuted hate crimes - but the public it taki

Friday, June 15

days are so long now - sun comes up before 5 am and stays light until 8:30.  and it will be hot this weekend. so - the first family will be in chicago this weekend to attend a wedding.  and, over 100 police will be there to protect the wedding guests. how many cops will be deployed in the loop where the vicious attacks have taken place?  if so many cops are being sent to Hyde Park, were do you think the animals will go to attack people?  economy is still in the tank.  but, it is Bush's fault.  gas still high - bush's fault too.  I saw an article this week that said calling obama cool is racist.  then I saw an article yesterday that quoted michelle obama as saying barack was a cool dad.  she is really racist, isn't she?  and if you disagree with anything obama has done, you are racist too.  so, eacho peez.

Thursday, June 14

where did the day go?  got to work at 7, left my access card on my desk when I left the room, had to find someone to let me in, then my computer crapped out and had to get a new one set up for my by IT.  then, work.  I must have been busy because the day flew far, anyway. I find it interesting to see how the races deal differently with issues of race.  when a white (or a white hispanic) attacks a black, it makes national news.  when there are multiple attacks by blacks on whites, you get articles like this crap: I imagine reasonable people of all races would find these attacks unacceptable, and those animals committing the attacks as criminals, but why not report these crimes objectively?  but then again, these crimes are being committed in Chicago. at least chicago has 500 speeding cameras.  many more problems to fix before they deal with these mob attacks.  so in the meantime, you can cou

Wednesday, June 13

mid week, mid month, mid year.  stuck in the middle.  oil is still down over 22% from 2 months ago...but the price of gas has only dropped 5% at the pump....I wonder why that is..... ever feel like a soaped up young boy, and the oil companies are jerry sandusky??? the police commissioner of Chicago says the crime problem is one on perception...what the hell is he talking about?  the problem is actually mobs of animals attacking people minding their own business. chicago...what a mess.  hopefully the UN Peacekeeping mission will begin soon.  oh - and the heat this weekend will almost certainly get the beaches closed, I bet.  Jamie Dimon of Jp morgan is going to apologize to congress for losing $2 billion.  why is he in front of congress?  did congressmen lose money in this debacle?  why does dimon still have a job?  as always, eacho peez. 

Tuesday, June 12

all things considered, I'd rather be golfing. some really good news today - in fact, no shortage of positive signs that things are headed into the crapper at record speed: the first is that the average family lost 40% of their wealth (wrong term - the liberals want us to feel guilty that we own anything).  Myself - I am sure I lost more than that, but on average, our failure-in-chief has presided over an unprecidented catastrophe in economics. the next story about how hope and change is working for us from big fan Bill.  it tells of the growth in the cell phone giveaway program. so - the number of phones given away, and paid for by those who have lost 40% of their accumulated savings has gone up 500%.  hope and change.  nice job.  look at the mutts lined up for free phones. another really positive sign is tha

Monday, June 11

back to work today.  nice and hot.  just like summer should be.  there were more mob attacks on people on the gold coast in Chicago yesterday....on Fox, they said that police were not releasing any information on the attacks, which I assume means no descriptions of the animals that attacked the law abiding citizens.  where are the thug cameras?  where are the police?  the rest of the world should band together and send a UN Security team into Chicago to get things under control.  what a shithole.  what a lawless shithole.  but it does have 500 speeding cameras.  so we can be safe from speeders. maybe the PD that was so offended by having to defend a white guy can be reassigned to defend these black guys that attacked white people.  then, like michelle obama, she can finally be proud of her country. chicago - what an effin shithole. eacho peez, allyall.

Sunday, June 10

newsflash...if you play golf 2 days in a row, you will be sore.  but what a pleasant 2 days.  thanks to my golf buds.  check out this story about muggings in Chicago last gangs of youths that have no physical descriptions:,0,7863065.story so, based on the fact that there is no race mentioned of the victim, nor the assailants, we can assume the animals that did this were white, right?   fat chance. these mutts probably looked just like odumbo's kid would look if he had a scumbag kid. chicago - what a fucking shithole.  you couldn't pay me to spend a minute in that dump that I did not absolutely have to.  what kind of idiot tourist would select the shithole known as chicago to come visit?  heyyyy....maybe in addition to the speeding and red light cameras, we can have scumbag cameras to catch these turds before they commit crimes....what is that you say????  that these

Friday, June 8

finally Friday.  and another banner day.  funny how much better you feel on a day like today as opposed to the drudgery during the dregs of winter.  not much time to write today.  everything is still a mess.  a few good stories in the trib about how fucked the state of illinois is with madigan as the head guy calling the shots.,0,1018793.story,0,7021478.story but, this is illinois.  we should expect the worst in terms of our leadership, taxes and every other measurable element.  this is the shithole known as illinois.  which begat our current president. i rest my case. eacho peez.

Thursday, June 7

we've had a string of really nice days...if only we'd get more nice weather like this, living in the shithole that is Illinois would not be as bad as it is.  but it is.  now, pay your tax bill so the pension hogs can be fed. gee....yesterday was the aniversary of D Day.....tens of thousands of brave young men gave their lives by marching into certain death.  and where was our failure in chief?   why, hopping from fundraiser to fundraiser.  if not for the opening of Saving Private Ryan, pretty much no one of this generation would know of this event.  and the fact that the president sees fit to ignore the event shows his lack of appreciation for those who served so he could do what he has done.  which is.....hmm...what has he done?  I need some help with this one. i know - he told us to eat our peas. eacho peez. (author's note - I am too tired to write much today.  what's that you say??? why yes - I do have a cell phone...and, yes - I can use said phone to call s

Wednesday, June 6

so, Gov. Walker survived the recall election in WI.  a big blow to those who believe their God given right is to collect full salary when they retire at 52 years of age.  look how the press spins this loss - saying that the exit poll still indicated obama is leading Romney.  sure - wasn't this a loss for democrats?  of course, the shithole known as illinois will not take any action....because, after all, pensions are protected by the Illinois constitution.  of course - crooked lawmakers created a crooked constitution to protect their crooked deal making.  the other story that defies logic was the headline that said low oil prices may be bad for the economy.  huh?  haven't we been told that the high gas prices were bad for the economy?  and, oh yea - while oil prices are way down, gas is down a few cents per gallon.  so, maybe the story should have read that low gas prices are bad for the oil companies, but low oil prices and high gas prices are really good for the oil compan

Tuesday, June 5

another beautiful spring day.  I bought 40 lbs of bird seed on Saturday - and the birds have eaten half of it already.  kind of like how the government supports non productive members of society.  if only I could print money like the government, I could keep buying 40 lb bags of seed, feed the birds that don't pay for the seed they eat, I could get kickbacks from the seed suppliers, and we'd all make out.  right?  but, who would pay for that money that was printed for me to buy the seed????  we need an ass rape economist to figure this all out. the recall election in Wisconsin is interesting.  the unions campaigning against a governor so bold as to want pension reform...but, the unions are entitled.  their members should be able to retire at 52 years old, collecting a six figure pension, right?  someone needs to explain to these mopes that it is a zero sum game.  for every 100 grand pension, 100 grand needs to exist.  if a state doesn't have the 100 grand, where would th

Monday, June 4

Didn't get a chance to post this weekend.   too busy enjoying the nice weather.  lots of things growing the garden, and I actually have a few pumpkin plants growing.  the squirrels usually dig up the seeds and eat them, so this is progress.  whether or not I get a pumpkin to grow is immaterial - the main thing is those bastard squirrels missed these seeds.  we now see obama bemoaning the lack of progress on any real initiative (economy, jobs, europe, etc) and blaming republicans for the sorry state of everything. but didn't obama have time to play golf every week?  time to take lavish vacation?  time to attend multiple fundraisers?  he is 3 years into his term, and he has accomplished none of what he convincingly told us he would.  now he is campaigning for re-election, we are hearing excuses about why nothing happened for the better. kind of like the college student that

Friday, June 1

that was sure a quick month....they all seem to be.  the news is loaded with plenty of stories showing how dire our economic situation is.  obama has done nothing that he said he would do.  maybe no one could have....but he pointed at the camera and convincingly told us he would get the job done.  which he has not. oil is at $83 per barrel - but has not dropped at the gas pump.  the oil companies continue to ass rape us with no intervention from the government.  unacceptable. the economy added 69,000 jobs...but unemployment went up.  hey - does that mean we lost more than we added????  why not just keep classifying unemployed as out of the workforce and we can streak to a 0% unemployment rate? time for letterman to make fun of mitt romney...because  the colossal failure in offi