Tuesday, June 19

a hot one today.  I should be golfing.

I see the US is sending more troops to the persian gulf.  when will troops be sent to the lawless pit known as Chicago?  how many murders must be committed before more drastic action is taken?  how many mob beatings of tourists must we have to show the "world class city that hosted the NATO summit" is a dangerous place that should be avoided?  the excuse used last memorial day that the beaches had to be closed due to the heat can only be used once.  because the beaches were closed because of out of control mobs beating those who were there because it was a hot day. 

oh - and the illinois (the most poorly run state in the country) pension problem is getting worse.  worse for the taxpayer, anyway.  not for those 52 year olds retired on 100 grand per year. 

I don't think it matters who we elect as sentor, governor, president.  we are pretty much doomed at this point.  call me an alarmist, but there is no fixing this ghost moose.  too many blood sucking ticks on it.

and not enough peas.

so, eacho peez.


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