Saturday, June 23

Can this be for real?
what would you think of someone that gave you for your wedding a donation to the obama campaign?  what unmitigated gall to even think of such a thing.  honestly - think about this.  using your wedding to finance more failure?  are they that desperate? 

and this...of course, you have seen the video of Obama trip on stage, right? haven't??  if it was Bush, it would be on every news program, and part of Leno and Letterman's monologues.

(you may have to double click on the link - it is working strangely - or get it from Drudge)

must be time for letterman to show the iraqi throwing a shoe at bush again.

we are in deep do-do.  and I don't mean deep peez.

have a good saturday.  I guess since I am not golfing I should go to the health club. 


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