Sunday, June 17

Happy Father's day. 
finally saw some improvement with the golf game yesterday.  I went from being really horseshit to just sucking.  progress, progress.
very nice that all the police resources in chicago were re-deployed to a single social event - a wedding attended by obama.  now today, no doubt, the expressway to ohare will be shut down to allow the motorcade to get there without inconveniencing obama on his way to the next fundraiser.  and, of course, michelle is on her way to give a speach at the school where her brother works.  november can't get here soon enough.

read this story, note what is missing, then read the comments below the story.

in cities all over the country, rampaging mobs of black youth are targeting lone white citizens.  for no reason.  and the only reason we are hearing of them is there is no reporting of these unprosecuted hate crimes - but the public it taking notice.

now we also have obama legitimizing illegal aliens.  so, we add more parasites to an already crowded table full of parasites.  the ghost moose is on its last legs, and it appears obama wants to finish ruining the country before he loses in a landslide in november.  until then, we are going to need more white people to pay taxes to support these parasites, and to have available for the black mobs to beat and rob. 

that is what this mess has become. 

eacho know you want to.  I be eatin peez for baby daddy day.  how many kids have I spawned again?


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