Tuesday, June 5

another beautiful spring day.  I bought 40 lbs of bird seed on Saturday - and the birds have eaten half of it already.  kind of like how the government supports non productive members of society.  if only I could print money like the government, I could keep buying 40 lb bags of seed, feed the birds that don't pay for the seed they eat, I could get kickbacks from the seed suppliers, and we'd all make out.  right?  but, who would pay for that money that was printed for me to buy the seed????  we need an ass rape economist to figure this all out.

the recall election in Wisconsin is interesting.  the unions campaigning against a governor so bold as to want pension reform...but, the unions are entitled.  their members should be able to retire at 52 years old, collecting a six figure pension, right?  someone needs to explain to these mopes that it is a zero sum game.  for every 100 grand pension, 100 grand needs to exist.  if a state doesn't have the 100 grand, where would the 100 grand come from?  why, it would come from those still paying taxes, and working past the age of 52.  but, let's not let that fact detract from the union members vitriol. 

because, as our president said:  sometime you gotta eat your peas.


eacho peez, wisconsin.  those pensions ain't gonna pay for themselves, ya know.  lots of 52 year olds wanting to retire on your dime.  and, don't they have a right to?  so - work til you're 80.  because someone promised those mopes a fat, cushy life.

we all we got.

(I am working on an new catchphrase.  but don't hold your breath waiting)


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