Monday, June 4

Didn't get a chance to post this weekend.   too busy enjoying the nice weather.  lots of things growing the garden, and I actually have a few pumpkin plants growing.  the squirrels usually dig up the seeds and eat them, so this is progress.  whether or not I get a pumpkin to grow is immaterial - the main thing is those bastard squirrels missed these seeds. 

we now see obama bemoaning the lack of progress on any real initiative (economy, jobs, europe, etc) and blaming republicans for the sorry state of everything.
but didn't obama have time to play golf every week?  time to take lavish vacation?  time to attend multiple fundraisers? 
he is 3 years into his term, and he has accomplished none of what he convincingly told us he would.  now he is campaigning for re-election, we are hearing excuses about why nothing happened for the better.

kind of like the college student that does nothing all semester, then tries to study themselves to an "A" the night before the final.  it ain't gonna happen.

there was a Robert Redford movie from the early 80s, I think - The Candidate.  Shows how a likeable guy was packaged and promoted to win a senate seat.  at the end of the movie, he wins the senate seat, and he asks his handlers "what do I do now?".  sound familiar???

eacho peez....


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