Monday, June 11

back to work today.  nice and hot.  just like summer should be. 

there were more mob attacks on people on the gold coast in Chicago yesterday....on Fox, they said that police were not releasing any information on the attacks, which I assume means no descriptions of the animals that attacked the law abiding citizens.  where are the thug cameras?  where are the police?  the rest of the world should band together and send a UN Security team into Chicago to get things under control.  what a shithole.  what a lawless shithole.  but it does have 500 speeding cameras.  so we can be safe from speeders.

maybe the PD that was so offended by having to defend a white guy can be reassigned to defend these black guys that attacked white people.  then, like michelle obama, she can finally be proud of her country.

chicago - what an effin shithole.

eacho peez, allyall.


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