Friday, June 22

tgif.  it's about time.  but no golf this weekend, so that is kind of a bummer. 

summer solstice has come and gone...the days are noticeably shorter now.  just kidding.  but, we are on the downslide - in a month or so we will start noticing shorter days again as we march on into fall...but wait - today is the first day of summer, so I am getting ahead of myself. 

another shooting in the middle of the loop in chicago.  I hope those speeding cameras and 5 cent per bottle water tax make chicago safer....what a lawless shithole.  the UN needs to get that peacekeeping force to chicago and pronto.

i saw a story on fox news that some guy in wrigleyville had his throat slashed in a random act of violence ON SUNDAY.  and it is just now being reported.  the race of the scum that did it??? well, they didn't say, but the police sketch indicated he was black.  the guess....ok - now the next story..the very next story was about a video of zimmerman showiing the cops what happened the day after he shot trayvon martin...and they mention that zimmerman killed "unarmed black teen trayvon martin".  why was race appropriate in one story and not the other?  maybe that was just an oversight. the media shows its bias in pretty much every incidence where there is a bias.

maybe we need to eacho peez.


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