Monday, June 18

Beautiful weekend, and now the heat.  of course, it can never be too hot for me.  bring it on.  nicer to golf, fish and drink beer in the heat than to do it in the cold. 

as we get closer to election time, the apologists for obama are crowing louder all the time. 

here we have an economic advisor saying obama should have a mea cupla, which means "my mistake".  so, in other words, give me a do-over.
kind of like Steve Urkel - "did I do that????"  as he looks at all the graphs that show downward trends when we need upward trends.

here is one commemerating his 100th round of golf
rome is burning...and nero fiddles.  because he is only good at fiddling.

here is a story about a former professor of obama saying we must not re-elect obama.

obviously, this man is a racist.  no one should dare speak against obama.

comes tus arvejas

(use google translator for the deep meaning conveyed here)


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