Wednesday, June 20

smokin hot outside.  july weather in june. 

I forgot to post earlier - there hasn't been any stories to really grind my gears (thanks Peter Griffin)....

but the uproar about the Addidas shackle shoes was a laugh.  did slaves wear addidas shoes?  why would anyone be offended by those shoes, unless it was a group of people who have an obsessive need to feel offended by every story they read.  granted, the shoes were a real joke that probably no one would buy - but why shouldn't addidas be free to sell whatever shoes they wanted? 

there was a story a day or two ago about the recorded conversation between (white hispanic) zimmerman, and his wife.  and supposedly, they used some code words to describe some financial issues.  ok - that may be contempt of court, or whatever he is charged with.  but....does anyone remember when jesse jackson's sons were recorded speaking in code words about some drug dealings?  and they were allowed to have a press conference to yuck it up and talk about how bogus the charges were? 

funny how differently the press treats similar stories, isn't it?

eacho peez

(I am working on a new catchphrase, well aware this one is worn out)


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