Wednesday, June 6

so, Gov. Walker survived the recall election in WI.  a big blow to those who believe their God given right is to collect full salary when they retire at 52 years of age.  look how the press spins this loss - saying that the exit poll still indicated obama is leading Romney.  sure - wasn't this a loss for democrats?  of course, the shithole known as illinois will not take any action....because, after all, pensions are protected by the Illinois constitution.  of course - crooked lawmakers created a crooked constitution to protect their crooked deal making. 

the other story that defies logic was the headline that said low oil prices may be bad for the economy.  huh?  haven't we been told that the high gas prices were bad for the economy?  and, oh yea - while oil prices are way down, gas is down a few cents per gallon.  so, maybe the story should have read that low gas prices are bad for the oil companies, but low oil prices and high gas prices are really good for the oil companies. 

and in honor of obama's candidate being routed in WI yesterday, letterman had michelle obama on last night to read the top 10 list.  what an eerie coincidence, huh?

eacho peez...they be growin in the white house garden.


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