Friday, June 1

that was sure a quick month....they all seem to be. 

the news is loaded with plenty of stories showing how dire our economic situation is.  obama has done nothing that he said he would do.  maybe no one could have....but he pointed at the camera and convincingly told us he would get the job done.  which he has not.
oil is at $83 per barrel - but has not dropped at the gas pump.  the oil companies continue to ass rape us with no intervention from the government.  unacceptable.
the economy added 69,000 jobs...but unemployment went up.  hey - does that mean we lost more than we added????  why not just keep classifying unemployed as out of the workforce and we can streak to a 0% unemployment rate?

time for letterman to make fun of mitt romney...because  the colossal failure in office is not doing a good job. 

oh - and while tony rezko answered questions about blago, he refused comment on - that is curious....or maybe that record is sealed.



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