Friday, June 29

Could June have gone by any quicker?  2012 (after midnight tomorrow) will now be half done?   wow.  as I have written many effin times before, I don't have an unlimited supply of half-years left.  I don't have a bucket list, either, so maybe I should get started on that.

check this out - even though foodstamp spending by the govt has increased 100% under obama, we are actively trying to get more parasites attached to the ghost moose:

so - we have programs to give free cell phones to the poor, free cable tv, free rent, free college tuition.  let's force the taxpayer to eat bologna and hamburger so these parasites can buy beer and ciggies with the money we give them. 

oh - that health care plan will really help those of us already paying for health care, no doubt. 

we are in deep do-do, folks.  how did things get this bad?  remember - you are a racist if you do not vote for 4 more years of the empty suit.

all we can do now is eat our peas.

and you - you eacho peez.


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