Thursday, June 14

where did the day go?  got to work at 7, left my access card on my desk when I left the room, had to find someone to let me in, then my computer crapped out and had to get a new one set up for my by IT.  then, work.  I must have been busy because the day flew far, anyway.

I find it interesting to see how the races deal differently with issues of race.  when a white (or a white hispanic) attacks a black, it makes national news.  when there are multiple attacks by blacks on whites, you get articles like this crap:
I imagine reasonable people of all races would find these attacks unacceptable, and those animals committing the attacks as criminals, but why not report these crimes objectively? 
but then again, these crimes are being committed in Chicago. at least chicago has 500 speeding cameras.  many more problems to fix before they deal with these mob attacks.  so in the meantime, you can count on not much press coverage.  just stay out of that shithole.

and eacho peez.


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