Sunday, June 10

newsflash...if you play golf 2 days in a row, you will be sore.  but what a pleasant 2 days.  thanks to my golf buds. 

check out this story about muggings in Chicago last gangs of youths that have no physical descriptions:,0,7863065.story
so, based on the fact that there is no race mentioned of the victim, nor the assailants, we can assume the animals that did this were white, right?   fat chance. these mutts probably looked just like odumbo's kid would look if he had a scumbag kid.

chicago - what a fucking shithole.  you couldn't pay me to spend a minute in that dump that I did not absolutely have to.  what kind of idiot tourist would select the shithole known as chicago to come visit?  heyyyy....maybe in addition to the speeding and red light cameras, we can have scumbag cameras to catch these turds before they commit crimes....what is that you say????  that these turds have no money to pay fines like the suburbanites the other cameras are intended to ass rape? are right.  forget it.  thugs gotta be thugs after all.

here is another link:,0,2147852.story

how distasteful that a black would have to defend a white guy.  where is the story about the millions of white PDs that have to defend blacks that have committed crimes against white folks?  the next story will be the first.

should be another fun week of seeing obama make blunder after blunder...and the press ignoring it. 

after all, the private sector is doing fine....on the far off planet that our out of touch president lives on.

we's in deep do-do, folks.

eeeeecccchhhooooo peezzzzzzzz


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