Friday, June 15

days are so long now - sun comes up before 5 am and stays light until 8:30.  and it will be hot this weekend.

so - the first family will be in chicago this weekend to attend a wedding.  and, over 100 police will be there to protect the wedding guests.
how many cops will be deployed in the loop where the vicious attacks have taken place?  if so many cops are being sent to Hyde Park, were do you think the animals will go to attack people? 

economy is still in the tank.  but, it is Bush's fault.  gas still high - bush's fault too.  I saw an article this week that said calling obama cool is racist.  then I saw an article yesterday that quoted michelle obama as saying barack was a cool dad.  she is really racist, isn't she?  and if you disagree with anything obama has done, you are racist too. 

so, eacho peez.


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