Thursday, June 7

we've had a string of really nice days...if only we'd get more nice weather like this, living in the shithole that is Illinois would not be as bad as it is.  but it is.  now, pay your tax bill so the pension hogs can be fed.

gee....yesterday was the aniversary of D Day.....tens of thousands of brave young men gave their lives by marching into certain death.  and where was our failure in chief?   why, hopping from fundraiser to fundraiser.  if not for the opening of Saving Private Ryan, pretty much no one of this generation would know of this event.  and the fact that the president sees fit to ignore the event shows his lack of appreciation for those who served so he could do what he has done.  which is.....hmm...what has he done?  I need some help with this one.

i know - he told us to eat our peas.

eacho peez.

(author's note - I am too tired to write much today.  what's that you say??? why yes - I do have a cell phone...and, yes - I can use said phone to call someone that gives a shit).


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