Tuesday, June 12

all things considered, I'd rather be golfing.

some really good news today - in fact, no shortage of positive signs that things are headed into the crapper at record speed:

the first is that the average family lost 40% of their wealth (wrong term - the liberals want us to feel guilty that we own anything).  Myself - I am sure I lost more than that, but on average, our failure-in-chief has presided over an unprecidented catastrophe in economics.

the next story about how hope and change is working for us from big fan Bill.  it tells of the growth in the cell phone giveaway program.
so - the number of phones given away, and paid for by those who have lost 40% of their accumulated savings has gone up 500%.  hope and change.  nice job.  look at the mutts lined up for free phones.

another really positive sign is that the Chicago Public School system is patting itself on the back for the high percentage of graduates.  61% of the students that started high school are graduating.  wait...that means 39% are not.   and these teachers, led by the hippo-like union president, are threatening to strike?  for what?  how can they do worse at their job?

as a country, we have never been in worse shape.  leaderless, lawless, directionless.  this is bad. 

at least we have our peas to eat.

so, eacho peez.


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