
Showing posts from December, 2012

Monday, Dec. 31, 2012

yesterday was the last day of the regular nfl season...the best sport - the season starts in such nice warm golf worthy weather.  and finishes in the cold.  now for the playoffs, which will not include the bears. wait til next year.  again.  I see obama wants to blame the republicans for the lack of progress on the fiscal cliff.  like the ceo blaming the marketing vp for an issue...the new america.  blame.  blame bush.  blame the senate.  blame the republicans.  some leader we elected, huh?  here is a pic of the worlds oldest woman.  she still has her looks, huh?

Saturday, Dec 29

The month of December close to being done, 2012 close to being done...the sands of time slipping ever faster through the hourglass that is our's that for colossal blowhard bullshit?  so, apparently we are headed to the financial cliff, and our taxes will have to be increased.  well, taxes on the 53% that pay tax.  the 47% that are parasites will still demand free stuff.  and they must have it.  so, your fair share will be just a little bit more of a tax burden.  the freeloaders demand it.  I was alarmed that the president of russia (or whatever they call their supreme leader) is banning the adoption of russian babies by american people... what a crisis...where will america get its developmentally challenged brain damaged spawn of russian alcoholics?  we need to import more humans that will place a burden on society and will require lifetime special care.  where will we get them now? the ghost moose continues to get handfuls of ticks thrown onto it.  almost time to

Thursday, December 27

simile..metaphor...I forget which is of them uses the relationship "like a..."  but anyway, today here is a simile/metaphor..... I was toweling off after taking a shower.  as I was drying my back, I heard the towel rip.  you expect a towel to dry you off for eternity.  and not wear or weaken to the point of ripping.  but there it was - the towel threw in the towel and told me so by ripping.   this is very similar to what we do in our daily lives that we presume some level of infinite stability and permanance.  you go to your job.  starts out pretty good.  you do the same thing over and over again for a few years.  then one day you hear something tear and you realize that what you presumed was stable and would never rip had ripped and was in need of replacement.  how many times did we empty the dryer lint screen and not think that the lint was the towel falling apart slowly.  how many times have you come home from work and poured yourself a drink so you could rel

Wednesday, December 26

back to work.  looking back to 2008 when I started this blog, I would have loved to have a job to go back to the day after christmas.  so, it is good to have a job to go to.  you really don't see many stories about the unemployment rate these days, but I would think there are way too many people still out of work.  and the unemployment benefits will cease or be reduced when we go off the fiscal cliff.  but obama is cutting his multi million dollar hawaiian vacation to deal with issue.  his family, however, will remain in hawaii and come back later.  costing us millions.  well bush took a lot of vacations, the libs will say.  sure - isn't that why he continues to be blamed for obama's failures?  4 more years of this.  the retirement age will probably be 80 in 4 years.  and the fair share will be more.  anyway, merry christmas. 

Dec 25, 2012

Merry Christmas. and a merry one it is, indeed.  even for someone who is not ordinarily in the Christmas spirt.  I guess now the seinfeld episode "Festivus" makes more sense.  but, it is a sacred, solemn day, and I do appreciate it for what it is. I went to the health club early today - very few people there.  no one on the road.  most stores closed.  tomorrow the regular routine begins.  the company I work at has regular hours Christmas eve, and the rest of the holiday time.  but then again, this is a place that schedules their christmas party while my department is working.  tells you a lot about a place, doesn't it?  but a paycheck is a paycheck.  a company owes you nothing more than that, and most companies remind you of that regularly.  things have sure changed, and not for the better. on our way to the fiscal cliff.  I hope our fall from the cliff does not cast a pall on our presidents multi-million dollar vacation.  that would be a shame.  fiscal cliffs are fo

Monday, Dec 24, 2012

Christmas Eve...Merry Christmas Eve.  I got up early to pitch dark.  an hour later (7 am) it is still pitch dark...I thought we'd get a few hours of additional daylight by now since the shortest day was 2 days ago.  Since I am off today, I made extra merry yesterday to celebrate the bears win (I would have celebrated a bears loss equally as merrily) and feel it today.  I will make it 3 days in a row to the health club, and will probably go tomorrow as well.  I do feel much better when I string a few days of workouts together.  I guess I will add to my list of resolutions to not do that....or maybe to do that,  and lose 40 lbs.  and read a lot of books.  and be happy.  and work hard.  and be a good person.  or maybe keep things simple and resolve to not resolve.  like every other schlub out there.  after all, new years resolutions are nothing but a deodorant for the failings that we face every day.  as if saying we will change things will actually lead to us changing them.  so..

Saturday, Dec 22

12/22/12...what a mystical, magical date...oh wait, that was earlier this month.  I guess I shouldn't have sold everything and lost it at the casino since the world didn't end as planned...well, like the toothless black woman shrieking about her obama phone, I will look to those paying their fair share to bail me out.  that is the new american way, after all.  so all you scumbags, pay your fair share and mine, and that of the toothless black shrieking woman.  we needs us some stuff.  really dark and cold this morning.  I went out early and was surprised that no one was out shopping at wal mart, menards and the grocery store.  i suppose I need to go to the health club now.  the steam room becons.  but, after Jan 1 I will really hit those treadmills and stair the other slobs that need to lose a lot of weight.  our college bowl pool starts today.  hope springs eternal.  maybe this will be the year I win.  ok...on the the steamroom club for a real workout.

Thursday, Dec 20

a very gray, drab day.  but the rain is better than the snow that is supposed to be coming later tonight.  Christmas right around the corner.  I have never been a big fan of Christmas, so this time of year is a quandry - all the hype and hoopla surrounding an event I could take or leave.  I feel like I should be more excited, but for the life of me, I just can't.  Maybe someone will give me a bottle of good bourbon and my mood will improve dramatically.  or maybe I will just go buy one....either way I win.  Still heading toward the fiscal cliff.  Still no progress on the pension mess.  Social Security tax going up 50% in Jan (from 4% back to 6%).....but at least we have the end of the temporary illinois income tax increase to look forward to next year.  sure....and gov fudd will suddenly become effective. I suppose I can delude myself into making my list of new year's resolutions....get a new job, lose weight, win the lottery, get hair plugs (just kidding on that one), imp

Wednesday, Dec 19

once again, writing at the end of a long day.  my contacts usually quit working about now, and I can barely make out what I am typing.  sucks getting old and tired. I see previews for the new movie about the killing of Bin Laden...apparently, the pentagon helped with some details and other material that made it a commercial for obama factually correct.  however, if the attack on the libyan embassy was blamed on some internet video, then what does the govt think will happen when this film is in theaters?  now, granted the excuse of the internet movie was a lie, still - does it make sense?  not to me either. well, maybe I will make time to write tomorrow morning, as this posting sucks.  I feel like Jack Nicholson in the Shining - maybe I need to become a caretaker of a resort in the mountains to regain my creative spark....what's that you say - I never had one???  you may be right. 

Tuesday, Dec 18

writing this at home, at the end of a long day.  and it was a long day.  and a long week so far..and it is only Tuesday.  and a week before Christmas.  I suppose this is the time of year to be less of a douchebag, and I have been trying.  to be less of a douche.  funny thing, though - when people know that your button has just been pushed, they are expecting a certain response...but I shall not give them the douchebaggery....only the glad tidings of the season.  there are 11 other months in the year to be a dick....just kidding.  I am nothing if not smoooooooth.  anyway, the shock of the massacre on the east coast is least it is 750 miles away from there.  and I suppose it is time for the govt to look at banning assault weapons.  who needs a killing machine like that?  fiscal cliff....what fiscal cliff?  everything is going swimmingly.  and maybe those kind folks will bring the comfort dogs over to my house.  we could all use the love of a dozen golden retrievers.  btw

Monday, Dec 17

back to work.  the bears game sucked.  Obama's speach was pretty good.  it will be interesting to see what is done as a result of another shooting massacre.  I don't own a gun, but I believe in the constitution.  just like some conspiracy theorists thought 911 was a deliberate action to impose more control over Americans, some may think this tragedy was another way to get guns out of the hands of citizens.  Like William Hurt in the movie "The Village"...Hurt dresses up in him monster costume and scares the villagers from walking into the woods which would put them near the real world...Who knows.......but, if the govt does take guns away, evil will find a way to manifest itself...  evil will find the weakness and exploit it.  if guns are taken away, there will be poison attacks, flammable liquid attacks, all sorts of creative attacks.  evil knows no limit.  such a sorry state of affairs.  seems like the good does not stand a chance, does it?

Friday, December 14

Fridays are supposed to be good days.  not this one.  what a shitty day. 28 people gunned down at an elementary school in Conn.  horrible.  well - for the kids and adults that were killed other than the gunman - horrible. for the gunman - I hope there is a special corner of hell for that scumbag.  I hope that fucking moron is ass raped in hell with a ball bat wrapped in barbed wire every hour for centuries....  we all wish we were there to stop the gunman before he killed the kids....we would have hit him hard, kicked his butt...whatever.   we're all tough like that.  until it counts.  the fact is he was too cowardly to take on able bodied people and had to kill kids.  how horrible. this is the world we live in.  any wonder I have no hope?  I know the country is in shock.  as it should be.  wtf.  how did we get here? what a shit day, indeed.  God bless those kids and their families.

Thursday, Dec 13

12-13-12...what a mystical, magical date.  the press will have stories about kids born at 13 o'clock today...wait, what?  oh - that purposeless crap was from yesterday...never mind.  in the runup to the new presidential term, we are seeing the duplicity and lies from the campaign.  fees and taxes on all of us, not just the rich.  the impact of the heath care bills on all of us.  what a miserable state of affairs.  and another swirl closer to the bottom of the toilet.  one can only surmise the degree of suck that we will be in 4 years from now.  Amish Mafia was pretty good last night, though.  when the highlight of ones night is watching Amish Mafia, (2 hours of it), that is a microcosm of what is wrong with the country.  or, perhaps what is right with the country. but, it is 12/13/12, so look for a lot of magical things to happen today...hey, wait - tomorrow is 12/14/12 - and even more magical, mystical number.  forget what I said about things being bad.  things are really l

Wednesday, Dec 12

12-12-12.  the last really cool date for awhile.  or not.  let's all go and buy 12 lottery tickets.  or not. I was going through some old emails and have a folder that I was archiving responses from when I was out of work.  there are 1790 email responses.  I probably sent double that many on my search, but it really puts it in perspective.  I supposed I should move on and erase that folder.  the furor begins over the use of the N word in Tarantino's new movie. why no outcry about the use of the word in rap lyics?   a bad word is a bad word no matter who says that word.  and, if using the N word makes one a racist, should we not call racists the R word since they said the N word?  I think we should start that. we have reached that level of silliness.  can we all not grow thicker skin? who you B eacho Ps like that.

Tuesday, Dec 11

I stepped in a rut, and there was a turd in there...oh wait - I beat that dead horse yesterday, didn't I? same old crap in the news...... some woman tennis player is taken to task for stuffing a towel in her shirt and shorts and accused of being a racist mocking serena williams and jamie foxx hosts saturday night live saying how great it was in his new movie, he gets to kill all the white people.  and the audience howls its approval, yearing to kiss his butt. is this where we are as a country?  I thought not - we are much deeper in the shitter than that silly example of media double standard.  I was just too lazy to write much today.  maybe tomorrow I will climb out of my rut, scrape the turd off my shoes and write something I could be proud of. nah - that would be too much effort.  I will keep writing the garbage I alw

Monday, Dec. 10

the whole weekend slipped by with no posting.  my creative rut continues.  I did hit some golf balls on Saturday.  not very well, either.  my golf rut continues.  the parade of ruts continues.  my ruts are in ruts. they had the company christmas party friday night.  which I did not go to.  the turds you work with will still be turds at the chrismas party.  they will just be turds wearing festive sweaters.  as beavis and butthead so aptly put it "you can't polish a turd".  of course, I am sure to them I am a turd, too.  so it all evens out in turd-dom......actually, I lie.  the people from work are fine - the same folks you've worked with at every company you have been at.  I just didn't want to waste my turd story.  feel free to use it yourself.  geniusness like this should be shared and enjoyed. the beat goes on.  fiscal cliff, unemployment, pension mess.  the bad does not change to good.  only good changes to bad.  and ruts continue.  the forecast calls f

Friday, December 7

Pearl Harbor day.  and friday.  finally friday.  I have been waging battle on mice in my garage.  I set out poison traps, spring traps, plastic ez set traps...and either the poison does not work, or there are a lot of dead or dying mice around....becasue they can eat all the poison pellets in a container overnight...anyway, since I am the king of metaphor (or is it simile?), indulge me.... the current move to give illegals driver's licences is like my battle with mice...we have secure borders, we harass whites who re-enter the country from their canadian fishing trips, we have TSA grope our genitals when we fly.   but, an illegal can come to Chicago, a sanctuary city, and have all kinds of rights and priviledge bestowed upon them.....that is like me setting my traps and poison, but if any mice make it into the house, I set out bowls of m&ms and peanut butter out for them in the family room.  makes no sense, does it? hey....unemployment dropped down to 7.7%.  we are reall

Wednesday, Dec 5, 2012

only Wednesday - but feels like it should be Thursday.  nothing matters but the weekend....from a wednesday point of view.  (yes, I know the lyrics are Tuesday point of view).  ever get the feeling you are just shuffling along?  not really stepping up to do much of anything?  other that what you absolutely have to do?  me neither...I never feel that way. hey, here's a shock...Detroit is demanding a bailout. bail them out.  bail everyone out.  the deficit is not an issue in the short term, as barry told letterman.  so, print more money.  our grandchildren and great-grandchildren don't need to eat.  and everyone will have obama phones in the future, so that is no problem.  here is another shocker...Bill Daley says his murderous nephew is basically a good kid. and Jo

Tuesday, Dec 4

Stop the presses...Kate Middleton is expecting...but, we should all be really concerned, as she has morning sickness.  but, not just any morning sickness.  really bad morning sickness.  and, don't ever forget that her pregnancy is way more important, and her child way more significant than any of us scumbags' kids.  Just like when Julia Roberts and Jenifer Lopez were pregnant.....their pregnancies and their kids are way more significant than us little people. just kidding...who gives a crap about someone that has done nothing other than marry the right person who has also done nothing.  and some people care about this drivel.  

Monday, December 3

we are at the home stretch of 2012.  and then on to 2013. check this out: how do democrats get to classify everything they don't agree with as racist?  what if a repub said "with democrats like these, women's vaginas would be like clown cars with kids popping out and the aid payments going up".  would there be an uproar?  probably.  but that is taboo.  let's see....Mitt Romney (allegedly) bullied a kid in high school....that should have dq'd him from being president.  obama admitted to using pot and cocaine.  not so.  romney sent jobs to china....that should have dq'd him from being president.  obama never held a job, let alone figured out how to run a busines profitably by following the rules on offshoring.  romney ran bain capital.  that should have dq'd him from being president.  obama associated with tony rezko - the felon that associ

Saturday, Dec 1, 2012

December 1...last month of 2012.  where did the year go?  where did they all go? soon the inauguration for the next 4 years of obama's presidency.  heading toward the fiscal cliff.  43% on government aid.  a big tax increase looming.  welfare phones.  aid to illegals.  401k in the shitter. and we voted for 4 more years of this.  as our national standards on everything were lowered, our expectations of our leaders have been lowered accordingly.  that is the only way to explain this.  we be hurtin.  we be screwed.  aint we be?