Monday, Dec 17

back to work.  the bears game sucked.  Obama's speach was pretty good.  it will be interesting to see what is done as a result of another shooting massacre.  I don't own a gun, but I believe in the constitution.  just like some conspiracy theorists thought 911 was a deliberate action to impose more control over Americans, some may think this tragedy was another way to get guns out of the hands of citizens.  Like William Hurt in the movie "The Village"...Hurt dresses up in him monster costume and scares the villagers from walking into the woods which would put them near the real world...Who knows.......but, if the govt does take guns away, evil will find a way to manifest itself...  evil will find the weakness and exploit it.  if guns are taken away, there will be poison attacks, flammable liquid attacks, all sorts of creative attacks.  evil knows no limit. 

such a sorry state of affairs.  seems like the good does not stand a chance, does it?


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