Friday, December 7

Pearl Harbor day.  and friday.  finally friday. 

I have been waging battle on mice in my garage.  I set out poison traps, spring traps, plastic ez set traps...and either the poison does not work, or there are a lot of dead or dying mice around....becasue they can eat all the poison pellets in a container overnight...anyway, since I am the king of metaphor (or is it simile?), indulge me....

the current move to give illegals driver's licences is like my battle with mice...we have secure borders, we harass whites who re-enter the country from their canadian fishing trips, we have TSA grope our genitals when we fly.   but, an illegal can come to Chicago, a sanctuary city, and have all kinds of rights and priviledge bestowed upon them.....that is like me setting my traps and poison, but if any mice make it into the house, I set out bowls of m&ms and peanut butter out for them in the family room.  makes no sense, does it?

hey....unemployment dropped down to 7.7%.  we are really making progress...
of course, that is because we did not count the 540,000 workers that DROPPED OUT OF THE WORKFORCE.  I would imagine these people have so much money, they don't need to work and they pay for their own insurance so they don't need a job for benefits....why not just say that all unemployed workers have dropped out of the workforce so the unemployment rate becomes zero?  that is what our messiah should do. 

somewhere a community is missing its organizer.


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