Friday, December 14

Fridays are supposed to be good days.  not this one.  what a shitty day. 28 people gunned down at an elementary school in Conn.  horrible.  well - for the kids and adults that were killed other than the gunman - horrible. for the gunman - I hope there is a special corner of hell for that scumbag.  I hope that fucking moron is ass raped in hell with a ball bat wrapped in barbed wire every hour for centuries.... 

we all wish we were there to stop the gunman before he killed the kids....we would have hit him hard, kicked his butt...whatever.   we're all tough like that.  until it counts.  the fact is he was too cowardly to take on able bodied people and had to kill kids.  how horrible.

this is the world we live in.  any wonder I have no hope?  I know the country is in shock.  as it should be. 

wtf.  how did we get here?

what a shit day, indeed.  God bless those kids and their families.


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