Saturday, Dec 22

12/22/12...what a mystical, magical date...oh wait, that was earlier this month.  I guess I shouldn't have sold everything and lost it at the casino since the world didn't end as planned...well, like the toothless black woman shrieking about her obama phone, I will look to those paying their fair share to bail me out.  that is the new american way, after all.  so all you scumbags, pay your fair share and mine, and that of the toothless black shrieking woman.  we needs us some stuff. 

really dark and cold this morning.  I went out early and was surprised that no one was out shopping at wal mart, menards and the grocery store.  i suppose I need to go to the health club now.  the steam room becons.  but, after Jan 1 I will really hit those treadmills and stair the other slobs that need to lose a lot of weight. 

our college bowl pool starts today.  hope springs eternal.  maybe this will be the year I win. 

ok...on the the steamroom club for a real workout.


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