Thursday, December 27

simile..metaphor...I forget which is of them uses the relationship "like a..."  but anyway, today here is a simile/metaphor.....
I was toweling off after taking a shower.  as I was drying my back, I heard the towel rip.  you expect a towel to dry you off for eternity.  and not wear or weaken to the point of ripping.  but there it was - the towel threw in the towel and told me so by ripping.   this is very similar to what we do in our daily lives that we presume some level of infinite stability and permanance.  you go to your job.  starts out pretty good.  you do the same thing over and over again for a few years.  then one day you hear something tear and you realize that what you presumed was stable and would never rip had ripped and was in need of replacement.  how many times did we empty the dryer lint screen and not think that the lint was the towel falling apart slowly.  how many times have you come home from work and poured yourself a drink so you could relax after another shitty day?  that cocktail is your personal lint trap....things change, things wear out, but we don't think that they will til one day we hear a rip and we know it is time to replace the thing that ripped...whether it be a job, business relationship, etc. 

to roll this inane concept in with my posting about new years resolutions last week...who really does not have on their list to find a job that pays more?  for doing less...for less headaches....for something fun.  is there such a thing out there?  well, like a new towel there probably is.  something that will faithfully dry you off after your shower...until one day you hear that rip and know the towel needs replacing.  you can only put a towel through so many washes and dryer cycles to the point where the fibers begin wearing, and some time later enough fibers wear that a big tear happens and the towel goes in the car wash pile. 

think about it.  what is the bath towel in your life?  how close is it to tearing?


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