Tuesday, Dec 11

I stepped in a rut, and there was a turd in there...oh wait - I beat that dead horse yesterday, didn't I?

same old crap in the news......
some woman tennis player is taken to task for stuffing a towel in her shirt and shorts and accused of being a racist mocking serena williams

and jamie foxx hosts saturday night live saying how great it was in his new movie, he gets to kill all the white people.  and the audience howls its approval, yearing to kiss his butt.

is this where we are as a country? 

I thought not - we are much deeper in the shitter than that silly example of media double standard.  I was just too lazy to write much today. 

maybe tomorrow I will climb out of my rut, scrape the turd off my shoes and write something I could be proud of.

nah - that would be too much effort.  I will keep writing the garbage I always do. 

who you be
where you at
what you got
eacho peez


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