Wednesday, December 26

back to work.  looking back to 2008 when I started this blog, I would have loved to have a job to go back to the day after christmas.  so, it is good to have a job to go to.  you really don't see many stories about the unemployment rate these days, but I would think there are way too many people still out of work.  and the unemployment benefits will cease or be reduced when we go off the fiscal cliff.  but obama is cutting his multi million dollar hawaiian vacation to deal with issue.  his family, however, will remain in hawaii and come back later.  costing us millions.  well bush took a lot of vacations, the libs will say.  sure - isn't that why he continues to be blamed for obama's failures?  4 more years of this.  the retirement age will probably be 80 in 4 years.  and the fair share will be more. 

anyway, merry christmas. 


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