Dec 25, 2012

Merry Christmas. and a merry one it is, indeed.  even for someone who is not ordinarily in the Christmas spirt.  I guess now the seinfeld episode "Festivus" makes more sense.  but, it is a sacred, solemn day, and I do appreciate it for what it is.

I went to the health club early today - very few people there.  no one on the road.  most stores closed.  tomorrow the regular routine begins.  the company I work at has regular hours Christmas eve, and the rest of the holiday time.  but then again, this is a place that schedules their christmas party while my department is working.  tells you a lot about a place, doesn't it?  but a paycheck is a paycheck.  a company owes you nothing more than that, and most companies remind you of that regularly.  things have sure changed, and not for the better.

on our way to the fiscal cliff.  I hope our fall from the cliff does not cast a pall on our presidents multi-million dollar vacation.  that would be a shame.  fiscal cliffs are for those who pay their fair shares.  not for the takers.  hopefully the service on all those obama phones will not be cut off.  weze gotsa call our bitches. 

and with that, I bid you a merry christmas.  back to the grind tomorrow.


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