Monday, December 3

we are at the home stretch of 2012.  and then on to 2013.

check this out:
how do democrats get to classify everything they don't agree with as racist?  what if a repub said "with democrats like these, women's vaginas would be like clown cars with kids popping out and the aid payments going up".  would there be an uproar?  probably.  but that is taboo. 

let's see....Mitt Romney (allegedly) bullied a kid in high school....that should have dq'd him from being president.  obama admitted to using pot and cocaine.  not so. 
romney sent jobs to china....that should have dq'd him from being president.  obama never held a job, let alone figured out how to run a busines profitably by following the rules on offshoring. 
romney ran bain capital.  that should have dq'd him from being president.  obama associated with tony rezko - the felon that associated with blago, getting him sentenced to jail.

it all makes sense, doens't it?


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