Thursday, Dec 13

12-13-12...what a mystical, magical date.  the press will have stories about kids born at 13 o'clock today...wait, what?  oh - that purposeless crap was from yesterday...never mind. 

in the runup to the new presidential term, we are seeing the duplicity and lies from the campaign.  fees and taxes on all of us, not just the rich.  the impact of the heath care bills on all of us.  what a miserable state of affairs.  and another swirl closer to the bottom of the toilet.  one can only surmise the degree of suck that we will be in 4 years from now. 

Amish Mafia was pretty good last night, though.  when the highlight of ones night is watching Amish Mafia, (2 hours of it), that is a microcosm of what is wrong with the country.  or, perhaps what is right with the country.

but, it is 12/13/12, so look for a lot of magical things to happen today...hey, wait - tomorrow is 12/14/12 - and even more magical, mystical number.  forget what I said about things being bad.  things are really looking up.


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