Thursday, Dec 20

a very gray, drab day.  but the rain is better than the snow that is supposed to be coming later tonight.  Christmas right around the corner.  I have never been a big fan of Christmas, so this time of year is a quandry - all the hype and hoopla surrounding an event I could take or leave.  I feel like I should be more excited, but for the life of me, I just can't.  Maybe someone will give me a bottle of good bourbon and my mood will improve dramatically.  or maybe I will just go buy one....either way I win. 

Still heading toward the fiscal cliff.  Still no progress on the pension mess.  Social Security tax going up 50% in Jan (from 4% back to 6%).....but at least we have the end of the temporary illinois income tax increase to look forward to next year.  sure....and gov fudd will suddenly become effective.

I suppose I can delude myself into making my list of new year's resolutions....get a new job, lose weight, win the lottery, get hair plugs (just kidding on that one), improve my golf game, work out more, give up beer....then on Jan 5, realize that it is better to try to do none of those things.  and step back in the rut...the rut of comfort...the rut of low expectations.  that shall be my new year's resolution for wallow in the rut of low expectations.  then I shall not be disappointed. 


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