Wednesday, Dec 12

12-12-12.  the last really cool date for awhile.  or not.  let's all go and buy 12 lottery tickets.  or not.

I was going through some old emails and have a folder that I was archiving responses from when I was out of work.  there are 1790 email responses.  I probably sent double that many on my search, but it really puts it in perspective.  I supposed I should move on and erase that folder. 

the furor begins over the use of the N word in Tarantino's new movie.
why no outcry about the use of the word in rap lyics?   a bad word is a bad word no matter who says that word.  and, if using the N word makes one a racist, should we not call racists the R word since they said the N word?  I think we should start that.

we have reached that level of silliness.  can we all not grow thicker skin?

who you B
eacho Ps

like that.


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