Tuesday, Dec 18

writing this at home, at the end of a long day.  and it was a long day.  and a long week so far..and it is only Tuesday.  and a week before Christmas.  I suppose this is the time of year to be less of a douchebag, and I have been trying.  to be less of a douche.  funny thing, though - when people know that your button has just been pushed, they are expecting a certain response...but I shall not give them the douchebaggery....only the glad tidings of the season.  there are 11 other months in the year to be a dick....just kidding.  I am nothing if not smoooooooth. 

anyway, the shock of the massacre on the east coast is fading...at least it is 750 miles away from there.  and I suppose it is time for the govt to look at banning assault weapons.  who needs a killing machine like that? 

fiscal cliff....what fiscal cliff?  everything is going swimmingly.  and maybe those kind folks will bring the comfort dogs over to my house.  we could all use the love of a dozen golden retrievers.  btw - one of the dogs on my tat is a golden - Ollie...what a nice dog he was.  maybe there should be a team of kind people that bring to you comfort bourbon for those moments you need bourbon.  those folks would be welcome as well. maybe I will form that team, and possibly get a govt grant to run this much needed service.

clearly, my writing at the end of the day is far worse than my writing early in the morning.  either that, or it has been too long that on Tuesday I did not have a tee time for the weekend already lined up.  That does suck big time.....How long until then, Kev?


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