
Showing posts from May, 2012

Thursday, May 31

tell me you can't believe how quickly May went by.  after today, we are 5/12, or 42% through 2012.  time does fly.  the temp on my drive to work today was 47.  fifty degrees less than Sunday's high temp.  what a swing.  check out this unnecessary meddling by the nyc government. why should the mayor care about the sizes of drinks that people want to buy?  why stop at limiting the sizes of drinks?  why not limit the size of pension that public workers can collect.  or the amount of rent that a landlord can charge.  and we pay taxes for these pantloads to tell us what we can do, and what size drinks we can buy? eacho peez...but it must be a small order of peez.

Wednesday, May 30

oops, he did it again: In a speech, obama refered to "Polish concentration camps" which apparently the Polish find quite insulting.  you would think those that feed the words into obama's teleprompter would know that, and would use the correct wording.  watch letterman  tonight - you are bound to see a video clip of George Bush tripping over a curb, or Sarah Palin talking about seeing Russia from her back yard....gotta deflect attention away from the colossal failure that is our president. the cost of oil is now under $90 per barrel.  but the price of a gallon of gas is what it was when the price of a barrel of oil was $140....gee - how is that possible....take yer ass rapin - the oil companies need their record profits. and eacho peez. ityapeez  (for our boston friends)

Tuesday, May 29

three day weekends go by way too quickly.  my only memento of the weekend is my leg, which has a few dozen bug bites from golf yesterday. I see the first lady is going to sponsor an all-female submarine for the navy.  finally - someone has determined the one thing we need to maintain our military superiority is a submarine with an all women crew.  besides the obvious pandering to the military and women, why was it decided that we need an all female submarine?  are we not in time of budget crisis????  but, we need to ask some questions: - how many bathrooms will be required on the sub?  I recommend one bathroom per crew member. - who will be responsible for making sure the sub does not get lost? - can the sub pilot talk on her cell phone while driving the sub? - will there be a nuclear reactor to heat the millions of gallons necessary for the long showers they will all be taking? the rest of the word, no doubt, is feeling very safe that this sub will be patrolling the oceans in

Monday, May 28 - Memorial Day

got up at 3 am...left for golf at 5.  played ok, and back home to get things done.  except I am way too I will have a beer and ponder my next move.  which is probably to get the next beer. but - It is Memorial Day.  a day that gets far too little fanfare considering the sacrifices that those in the service make for the benefit of the country. the reason I can write like a self-important douche is because soldiers have defended my right to do so.  the reason the country is what is it we owe to the servicemen and women. I will probably resume my empty rants tomorrow.  but I just remembered that I forgot to put the flag out today.  that will be my next move.  then a beer.  then a beer.  then... to ServiceMen and Women - thanks.

Sunday, May 27

if you are an auto racing fan, and enjoy mindlessly watching cars make left turns while you swill beer in front of the tv on a lovely spring day when you really should be outside  the excitement of Nascar and Indy car racing, today is your day.  If you don't like watching racing, there is golf on tv, too - so, something for everyone.  don't say i didn't tell ya. good article in the trib about how bad flying on United sucks since the failure of a merger with Continental - I think I wrote of how bad United sucks after my experience coming back from San Francisco a few months ago.  anyway, United sucks big time.,0,7754938.story so, given the geniusness of my "ass rape tax" posting on Friday, I have a concept that will continue the proud tradition of the airlines violently ass raping us passengers: - each seat will be fitted with a long proboscus that will ass rape you throughout the flight. 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

so much progress being made in society... the state of Illinois will raise the tax on a pack of cigarettes by a dollar to help the budget deficit caused by the criminal politicians and pension hogs.  since I don't smoke, I don't care...but how about dealing with the pension mess....Madigan says he cannot because pensions are protected by the Illinois constitution..gee...the most corrupt, shithole state in the county hiding behind a meaningless constitution that was crafted by criminals so they could benefit....what a surprise.  Illinois - what a shithole. and, the TSA says it will not aggressively search travelers over 75 years old.  and I presume they will also give a pass to those looking like middle easterners.  we cannot insult those who are the only demographic who have attacked us.  if you are white and traveling, you should expect to be groped, and possibly ass raped, so consider yourself forewarned. and, how did letterman miss this:

Friday, May 25

the unofficial first day of summer.  3 day weekend, supposed to be hot.  good weather to sit on the deck and drink many beers and enjoy the weater. a few good stories in the news: Illinois is studying ways to ass rape the driver into paying more to drive during peak times and, I love this one: airlines will be charging a fee for families to be seated together.  what the fuck???  have we sunk this low???? which leads me to the next obvious way for government to raise money....the ass rape tax..  we will all be required to pay a fee to not be ass raped.  if you pay the fee, the ass rapists will not ass rape you.  but if you don't pay the ass rape tax, you can be ass raped by ass rapists with impugnity.  it will be a win-win....we, who do not

Thursday, May 24

another gorgeous day - bettter suited for playing golf than working inside.  but, gotta pay the bills... I took my son to get his drivers license today - his 16th birthday.  the secretary of state offices are staffed with career bureaucrats who seem agitated that we dare show up and need them do do something.  but, we had the nicest woman wait on us - so, while I was prepared to write about what a shithole the place was, it was actually made nicer by a pleasant woman...but....having the person bring: a birth certificate, social security card, 2 pieces of mail, vehicle registration, insurance card, and the form attesting they have driven the proscribed number of hours is a bit much...considering the attorney general of the us has said no ID is needed to vote.  hmmm...why would that be???? I saw a story that some actor from the Big Bang Theory came out the closet and said he was gay...2 questions: - who cares? - and who would not have guessed he was gay? eecherpeez

Wednesday, May 23

another beautiful day.  days like this make the crap weather of winter almost tolerable.  almost, but winter still sucks big time. so...look at this story: the rich daddy ricketts, who bought his kids the cubs to play with, was going to bankroll an ad campaign to publicize obama's relationship with racist, America-hating rev., of course the liberals are up in arms, and are refusing to fund the wrigley field improvements until ricketts grovels and begs other words, ricketts is being blackmailed to shut up so our messiah can be re-elected.  here's an idea - tell rickets to go eff himself and pay for his own stadium improvements, and the chicago politicians can go eff themselves and actually run chicago...maybe clamp down on corruption by their own, and also on the street crime. eecherpeez.... weallwegot... chicago...what a shithole.

Tuesday, May 22

back to work today.  was off most of thursday through yesterday goofing off.  golf, sox game, golf.  all it takes is money...... the uproar about the elder Rickett's funding of a campaign against obama, focusing on his relationship with racist, America-hating rev. wright is a real joke.  mayor rahm showing his indignation, and severing talks about the rebuilding of wrigley field.  what does the left find so objectionable about calling attention to obama's following of such a devisive person?  should we not know more about his hatred of America, and how is sermons may have deepened obama's hate for America?  or is it time for letterman to make jokes about Romney putting a dog cage on top of his car?  and, thank god the nato mess is over...imagine someone telling you they are having a keg party in your house...then the party gets out of hand, and a bunch of scumbags show up to break all your china, tv, etc.  isn't that what happened here?  a meaningless meeting atte

Monday, May 21

another weekend zipped by.  at least we have a long weekend coming up.  then on into summer.  schools will be out soon. the nato mess continues in Chicago.  what do they plan to accomplish with 2 days of meetings?  if they had more meetings in the previous years, would the world have avoided the global financial meltdown that is going on now?  I think not.  meetings....protests....what a waste.  Robin Gibb died.  2/3 of the bee gees now gone.  the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack was the hottest thing going back in my college days....30 some years ago.  eek. I can't even muster an "eacho peez" today.

Sunday. May 20

another nice day. nice and hot.  if you like sitting on the deck and drinking a lot of beer hot weather like I do, you are in your glory on a day like today.  big day of nothing planned - probably plant more pumpkin seeds since the squirrels keep digging them up (just like last year).  the NATO mess downtown is a joke.  who, besides the connected ones, profit from having this do-nothing meeting in Chicago?  where do the protestors come from? what do they do when they are not protesting something they have no ability to change?  where do they get the money to travel to protest sites?  or is it just me?  hoping for a sox sweep today.  I should be golfing...but after my disaster on Thursday, I could use a week off.  just when you think you are getting close, you have a round where you do nothing at all well, and you prove that you still, and always will, suck at golf.  but, playing tomorrow, and again at 5:53 am next, never let it be said that I will accept suckage.  an

Saturday, May 19

Went to Wrigley to see the sox win yesterday.  really a fun time - weather could not have been better, and the friends I went with were a real good time.  thanks Kevin. the attached story shows just how quickly the country is progressing to the bottom of the toilet....half of the florida high school students failed the reading test that must be passed....and this was after the florida board of education voted to lower the standards needed to pass.  whatever happened to raising the standards?  I guess we have really lowered the standards in every part of America..starting with the standards necessary to be elected president. florida...what a shithole.  hey...I wonder what the demographic of florida high school students is...maybe that would give us some direction on what we can do to raise the standards...not lower them. and, eacho peez we all we got (in florida, this grammar would earn

Friday, May 18

Beautiful day...late spring weather - not too hot and humid yet.  another day, another example of the media's complicancy in obama's presidency.  how was this not covered: either obama conveniently twists facts to his advantage (and compresses characters in his life), or this piece, years ago, was incorrectly written.  But, just how would someone make a mistake about what country someone was born in?  how would this error have been made - it is not a typo, and I can only assume that it was written after a meeting with obama to gather facts. must be time for letterman to make some Sarah Palin jokes.  his guy is not looking too good these days.  show the guy throwing a shoe at Bush, too.  eetYERpeez we all we got.

Thursday, May 17

crossed the midpoint of May....enjoy each day - the pass far too quickly. the best leaders are those that can build consensus, knock down obstacles and actually accomplish difficult things.  looks like obama has built consensus. Obama's budget proposal was voted down 99-0 by the senate.  that is some impressive consensus building, huh?  maybe he needs letterman to talk about his heroics in the killing (or not) of bin laden. and for those who keep score, here is yet another opportunity to jesse jackson to hop on a private jet and inflame racial hatred. was a white guy that was killed for no reason?  never mind - move along.  nothing to see here. eacho peez, white sheeple.

Wednesday, May 16

Beautiful day today.  every day should be sunny and dry.  perfect for golf. as the presidential campaign grinds on, and becomes more annoying, we see stories from both sides accusing each side of being more like the other side. so - obama is rich.  big surprise.  the mystery is exactly who bought the book that he got rich from?  and, of course, we need to keep score on racial issues.  trayvon martin may have attacked zimmerman, as zimmerman says he did. but wait...that would not fit the story the race baiters are spouting. then, of course there is this story, while written by a black, is about the silence of the media when the victims are white, and the perp is black. # so - something for everyone today.

Tuesday, May 15

closing in on the mid-point of May.  well, that will be tomorrow at noon.  It won't be long before I write that 2012 is half over....I wish I knew then what I know now....too soon old and too late smart...the sayings that used to be trite and unimportant really make sense now, don't they? anyway, I have already been at work awhile.  get here early, get the system running, watch some old Cars videos on youtube...and then dig in.  a rut...but a good rut.  at least I have my good looks, small waistline, health.  lots to write about today.  but really no zip - no fire today.  probably a good thing - reading some of these the one below, really gets the blood pressure high. - at least we know eric holder will be all over this, right?  oh wait - it was a white guy attacked??...never mind.  move along.  nothing to see here. and eacho peez, sheeple.

Monday, May 14

the weekend went by way too fast.  they always do, don't they?  played golf on Saturday and took 2 stesp back.  oh well - that was only the 3rd time out.  one of these years I won't suck.  Look at the b.s. in this story: we are to believe that 30 years after the incident a chance meeting at o'hare leads to this story being re-hashed?  was there a police report?  was there any official documentation of it?  honestly - take a read.  this is a non-issue.  like eating dogs is.   oh wait - not much being made of that...or the "compression of characters".  where is the same journalistic effort on the obama smoking pot and using cocaine story?  or the bribe being offered to his pastor to shut up?  the sealed records from high school...from college...from his selctive service registration...from his passport application....from his social security number assignment..... keep moving fo

Sunday, May 13

looks like a nice day today.  happy Mother's day.  except to (you fill in the blank).  we abhor your offspring. here is something new - a multi-billion dollar program thought of by some washington genius and it is a failure: why is it our responsibility to pay for the training of iraqi police?  training iraqis to be civilized and law abiding.  we should have spent our money on training snakes to make pizza.  (not to explain my lame joke, but snakes don't have arms, and it would be difficult for them to make pizza). but, as we have shown, we will tax the middle class to death, and borrow the rest from china.  nothing is too good for countries other than the US. eat your peas we are all we have eacho peez we all we got.

Friday, May 11

stop the presses - the earthshaking story today of Mitt Romney being a supreme bully in high school is going to throw this presidential race into chaos.  He should have just sealed that record - has he learned nothing from our current fraud?   of course, there should be equal coverage of a story like this: then, of course, obama rails against romney because he has the audacity to be rich... and george clooney hosted a fundraiser last night that cost $40 grand to attend.  maybe clooney thought that obama is running to be president of darfur.  why doesn't clooney move to darfur and work on improving that place?  we don't need him here.  we go play hoop we all we got eacho peez.

Thursday, May 10

so, the president made a statement on same sex marriage....his views evolved....he talked to his friends, neighbors, etc. and: The key language in the ABC News write-up is this: The president stressed that this is a personal position, and that he still supports the concept of states deciding the issue on their own. so - he supports the concept of states deciding this issue on their own......but, he does not support the concept of states deciding to protect themselves from illegal immigration on their own. so, he panders to the gay vote with this wishy-washy position.   and panders to the hispanic vote by suing Arizona over their enforcement of immigration law.  if you are not gay, and not hispanic - eacho peez.  also, how lucky were we that the underwear bomb plot was exposed.  what a crock.   but, we should all prepare for a more aggressive molestation of our children and senior citizens (white only) at tsa screening lines at the airport. if you are middle eastern, you will b

Wednesday, May 9

I heard on the news that they are recommending that anyone working downtown carry an ID while the Nato summit is going on....but you don't need an ID to vote.  someone remind me why this silly meeting of mopes that can no more change the crappy state of the world than my dog can is even being held.  can't they do it via skype and save us all the expense and inconvenience?  but, of course, Michelle Obama needs to be carted into town to host various parties and dinners.  we wouldn't want to cheat our international visitors out of that pleasure, would we?  what an effing waste.  of our tax dollars. I saw on the news the price of gas continues to go down.  and the price of a barrel of oil has fallen 7 bucks in the last few days.  THEN WHY DID I PAY MORE FOR GAS YESTERDAY THAN I DID 2 WEEKS AGO????  remember when bush was ridiculed mercilessly when gas was high, and he was in office?  but is our current leader even questioned about gas prices, and asked what he will do about i

Tuesday, May 8

Well, May is over 25% elapsed...oh wait - I think I wore out that story line.  but you get my point. as the presidential campaign progresses, we hear from obama how romney is rich and out of touch.  I suppose romney earned his millions, so why begrudge him that?  did he: - have a newspaper sue a senate candidate to unseal divorce records, paving the way for the candidate to drop out of the race, and have a cakewalk to the senate, and begin campaigning immediately for the president? - have the most powerful black woman, whose appeal spans all racial barriers, openly use her tv show to campaign for him? - have a wife have her salary go from 90 grand to 370 grand at a hospital just by virtue of her association with the candidate? - have all their records sealed from birth to present...including questionable records about parentage, passport, assignment of social security numbers, college thesis, association with terrorists and fanatical reverands who profess hatred for the country?

Monday, May 7

Well, that weekend sure flew by...even with the crappy weather.  after the nice March weather we had, I guess we were due for 2 months of rain and cold. some really promising news today: we are being told to expect sky-high airfars this summer, in addition to sky high gas prices. I sure hope the high airfares will not limit the types of vacations the first family will be taking in June, July, August, September, October, November, December, and January, before they leave office. also, the daily herald had a headline that said the state is looking at making the Elgin-O'hare expressway, and also Rte 53 into tollways.  I would paste a link to the story, but it was a premium content story, meaning you have to pay to read it online... what next?  what can we be charged for that we are currently getting for free? eat your peas...I mean,  eacho peez. 

Sunday, May 6

I was watching an nba playoff game yesterday, and the players on the bench (I think it was Orlando - nba games are pretty forgettable) were wearing shirts that said "we all we got".  how's that for grammar?  I guess "We're all we have" would not have fit on the shirt.  I better register "eacho peez" and pronto before Romney's campaign starts using it.  I drove past the gas station on the way home from the store.  still $4.259 per gallon...I guess the much ballyhooed drop in gas prices has not reached the northwest burbs yet.  but, with the price of a barrel of oil dropping, we should no doubt see a big drop in gas prices, right?  ha-ha  joke's on us. we all we got eacho peez.

Saturday, 7 am - the paper came

I had to update after seeing this article in today's trib:,0,1781985.story for the NATO summit, parts of lake shore drive, the kennedy and 55 will be closed.  and chicago officials say it will be a minor inconvenience.  HUH??  closing the major routes a minor inconvenience?  it will be a colossal trainwreck.  who wanted this meeting here anyway?  we hear about the economic whom?  eacho peez.

Saturday, May 5

got up at 5 am.  to early - still dark and the paper isn't here yet.  so, I read the normal web sites.....I'll head out to the store at 6 when it opens.  and will  pass the gas station.  it will be interesting to see how much the price of gas has dropped, since oil is going down..sure.  last time the news said gas was going down, the price went up 16 cents in 3 days.  expect to see the stories now that just because oil is down, that does not mean gas goes down accordingly.  then, expect to see the oil companies post record profits, yet sell less gas than the year before.  bend over, all of you. and, of course, the unemployment number is looking better....only after, of course, reclassifying some unemployed as out of the workforce, and hence not counted as unemployed.  keep up the good work, obama.  you are leading us to ruin much faster than anyone thought possible.  must be time for another lavish vacation for the missus. the rest of you - eacho peez.

Friday, May 4 - update

I had to update today's post because this article is either funny, sad, or so indicative of the sorry state we are in: Unemployemnt is down to 8.1%...(this story says payrolls PROBABLY picked up) but this article says the number of workers who have left the workforce is at a record high at this rate, count on the administration reclassifying all unemployed workers as having left the workforce, therefore the unemployment rate will be zero. and our messiah will have solved that problem.  eacho peez.

Friday, May 4

finally Friday.  Nothing matters but the weekend, from a Tuesday point of view.  That song must be, what....25 years old?   at any rate, always good to be Friday.  still looking for some good news.  having a hard time...maybe the good news is all a compression, like our presidents girlfriend(s) here is a follow up to my link yesterday: look at the apologists for this aberrant, animalistic behavior. the police not thinking the beating of 2 whites by 30 blacks is a hate crime.  the newspaper alibi-ing why they did not cover the crime.  hang a noose in on someone's doorknob - national news coverage.  pull 2 whites out of their car and savagely beat them...well, that is an isolated incident.  move along, folks, nothing to see here.  look at this subjectively - how can you explain this?  the majority of whites and blacks have no beef with each other, and get along - or at least live and let live.  b

Thursday, May 3

Yesterday morning, I heard on the news that the price of gas was going down.  then, I drove by the gas station and saw the price had gone up by 16 cents per gallon since Saturday.  I wonder on what planet the price of gas is going down?  seems like we are now conditioned to accept $4 per gallon as the norm.  Our messiah told us that is what it should be. speaking of which, how funny is it that obama now says the female character in his autobiography was "a compression" of characters?  and in the reprint he mentions something about that...hmmm...maybe he knew that there would be poking around in his background, and he needed to step up to his lies.  a compression....sure.  he should have just sealed that record, too.  the more we peel back the layers, the more obvious what a fraud this guy is.  it isn't even funny anymore. eacho peez.

Wednesday, May 2

well, since my posting yesterday, I used up .000092% of my time left among the living...I suppose I should just drop that concept, huh?  really good story in the Trib today about how Daley fattened up his pension.....what's that, you say?  you are shocked that a democrat would do such a thing???,0,975077.story and yet, it goes on.  the pension hogs fatten up at the expense of us taxpayers, and the fed stands by and watches us get (figuratively) ass raped by hundreds, if not thousands, of criminal politicians.  Illinois...what a shithole. here is something really shocking.....2 whites beaten by 100 black youths...and the media is suprisingly - that is just shocking.  when will the reverands be there to protest??  I wonder if the black youths looked like our white-black president? and, of course, our colossal f

Tuesday, May 1

Where did April go?  I have written of this before, but please indulge me....2012 is 33% over....I figure that I have 30 years or so left on this planet - if I am lucky.  so, what just transpired since 1/1/12 was about 1.1% of my time  in those terms, it is frightening.  oh well - not much I can do about it, but live life to its fullest.  but, again - wow.  it just ain't fair. speaking of not fair, look at today's story about pensions:,0,1833971.story Chicago alderman change the laws to guarantee themselves huge pensions.  when does it all end?  Chicago/Cook county/Illinois - what colossal shitholes.  and then there is this story about terrorists having bombs implanted in their bodies to detonate on planes: but wait...didn't our government declare the war on terror was over