Saturday, May 26, 2012

so much progress being made in society...

the state of Illinois will raise the tax on a pack of cigarettes by a dollar to help the budget deficit caused by the criminal politicians and pension hogs.  since I don't smoke, I don't care...but how about dealing with the pension mess....Madigan says he cannot because pensions are protected by the Illinois constitution..gee...the most corrupt, shithole state in the county hiding behind a meaningless constitution that was crafted by criminals so they could benefit....what a surprise.  Illinois - what a shithole.

and, the TSA says it will not aggressively search travelers over 75 years old.  and I presume they will also give a pass to those looking like middle easterners.  we cannot insult those who are the only demographic who have attacked us.  if you are white and traveling, you should expect to be groped, and possibly ass raped, so consider yourself forewarned.

and, how did letterman miss this:
all kinds of stories about obama and his drug use.  hmm..time to make more jokes about Romney putting his dog on the roof of his car.



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