Saturday, May 5

got up at 5 am.  to early - still dark and the paper isn't here yet.  so, I read the normal web sites.....I'll head out to the store at 6 when it opens.  and will  pass the gas station.  it will be interesting to see how much the price of gas has dropped, since oil is going down..sure.  last time the news said gas was going down, the price went up 16 cents in 3 days.  expect to see the stories now that just because oil is down, that does not mean gas goes down accordingly.  then, expect to see the oil companies post record profits, yet sell less gas than the year before.  bend over, all of you.

and, of course, the unemployment number is looking better....only after, of course, reclassifying some unemployed as out of the workforce, and hence not counted as unemployed. 

keep up the good work, obama.  you are leading us to ruin much faster than anyone thought possible.  must be time for another lavish vacation for the missus.

the rest of you - eacho peez.


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