Sunday. May 20

another nice day. nice and hot.  if you like sitting on the deck and drinking a lot of beer hot weather like I do, you are in your glory on a day like today. 
big day of nothing planned - probably plant more pumpkin seeds since the squirrels keep digging them up (just like last year).  the NATO mess downtown is a joke.  who, besides the connected ones, profit from having this do-nothing meeting in Chicago?  where do the protestors come from? what do they do when they are not protesting something they have no ability to change?  where do they get the money to travel to protest sites?  or is it just me? 

hoping for a sox sweep today.  I should be golfing...but after my disaster on Thursday, I could use a week off.  just when you think you are getting close, you have a round where you do nothing at all well, and you prove that you still, and always will, suck at golf. 

but, playing tomorrow, and again at 5:53 am next, never let it be said that I will accept suckage. 

and eacho peez-age.
we all we got.

I need to come up with new closing lines.

eacho peez.

and now off to wal mart - to see the dregs of society that shop at wal mart early on a sunday morning.


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