Wednesday, May 30

oops, he did it again:
In a speech, obama refered to "Polish concentration camps" which apparently the Polish find quite insulting.  you would think those that feed the words into obama's teleprompter would know that, and would use the correct wording. 
watch letterman  tonight - you are bound to see a video clip of George Bush tripping over a curb, or Sarah Palin talking about seeing Russia from her back yard....gotta deflect attention away from the colossal failure that is our president.

the cost of oil is now under $90 per barrel.  but the price of a gallon of gas is what it was when the price of a barrel of oil was $140....gee - how is that possible....take yer ass rapin - the oil companies need their record profits.

and eacho peez.
ityapeez  (for our boston friends)


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