Wednesday, May 2

well, since my posting yesterday, I used up .000092% of my time left among the living...I suppose I should just drop that concept, huh? 
really good story in the Trib today about how Daley fattened up his pension.....what's that, you say?  you are shocked that a democrat would do such a thing???,0,975077.story
and yet, it goes on.  the pension hogs fatten up at the expense of us taxpayers, and the fed stands by and watches us get (figuratively) ass raped by hundreds, if not thousands, of criminal politicians. 

Illinois...what a shithole.

here is something really shocking.....2 whites beaten by 100 black youths...and the media is suprisingly - that is just shocking.  when will the reverands be there to protest??  I wonder if the black youths looked like our white-black president?

and, of course, our colossal failure in chief flew to Afghanistan to do....wait - what did he go there for?

eacho peez.


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