Wednesday, May 9

I heard on the news that they are recommending that anyone working downtown carry an ID while the Nato summit is going on....but you don't need an ID to vote.  someone remind me why this silly meeting of mopes that can no more change the crappy state of the world than my dog can is even being held.  can't they do it via skype and save us all the expense and inconvenience?  but, of course, Michelle Obama needs to be carted into town to host various parties and dinners.  we wouldn't want to cheat our international visitors out of that pleasure, would we?  what an effing waste.  of our tax dollars.

I saw on the news the price of gas continues to go down.  and the price of a barrel of oil has fallen 7 bucks in the last few days.  THEN WHY DID I PAY MORE FOR GAS YESTERDAY THAN I DID 2 WEEKS AGO????  remember when bush was ridiculed mercilessly when gas was high, and he was in office?  but is our current leader even questioned about gas prices, and asked what he will do about it - except for not approving more pipeline projects. 

we are all that we have
eat your peas

we all we got
eacho peez.


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