Friday, May 25

the unofficial first day of summer.  3 day weekend, supposed to be hot.  good weather to sit on the deck and drink many beers and enjoy the weater.

a few good stories in the news:
Illinois is studying ways to ass rape the driver into paying more to drive during peak times

and, I love this one:
airlines will be charging a fee for families to be seated together.  what the fuck???  have we sunk this low????

which leads me to the next obvious way for government to raise money....the ass rape tax..  we will all be required to pay a fee to not be ass raped.  if you pay the fee, the ass rapists will not ass rape you.  but if you don't pay the ass rape tax, you can be ass raped by ass rapists with impugnity.  it will be a win-win....we, who do not wish to be ass raped, will not be ass raped.  Ass rapists will achieve some level of job security and can do a lot of ass raping, and those who do, in fact, wish to be ass raped, can be ass raped, and will save money by virture of escaping the ass rape tax.  we can then tax that money, not spent on the ass rape tax, as a capital gain. 

we can either do this ass rape reform, or fix the pension mess.  let's let the great minds in the government, like barney frank, figure this out.

eacho peez
we all we got

have a good weekend. 


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