Tuesday, May 29

three day weekends go by way too quickly.  my only memento of the weekend is my leg, which has a few dozen bug bites from golf yesterday.

I see the first lady is going to sponsor an all-female submarine for the navy.  finally - someone has determined the one thing we need to maintain our military superiority is a submarine with an all women crew.  besides the obvious pandering to the military and women, why was it decided that we need an all female submarine?  are we not in time of budget crisis????  but, we need to ask some questions:
- how many bathrooms will be required on the sub?  I recommend one bathroom per crew member.
- who will be responsible for making sure the sub does not get lost?
- can the sub pilot talk on her cell phone while driving the sub?
- will there be a nuclear reactor to heat the millions of gallons necessary for the long showers they will all be taking?

the rest of the word, no doubt, is feeling very safe that this sub will be patrolling the oceans in 2015...next - an aircraft carrier staffed solely by golden retrievers. 



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