Wednesday, May 16

Beautiful day today.  every day should be sunny and dry.  perfect for golf.

as the presidential campaign grinds on, and becomes more annoying, we see stories from both sides accusing each side of being more like the other side.
so - obama is rich.  big surprise.  the mystery is exactly who bought the book that he got rich from? 

and, of course, we need to keep score on racial issues.  trayvon martin may have attacked zimmerman, as zimmerman says he did.
but wait...that would not fit the story the race baiters are spouting.

then, of course there is this story, while written by a black, is about the silence of the media when the victims are white, and the perp is black.

so - something for everyone today.  gotta keep those fires of racial hatred stoked so those who profit from it can continue to profit from it.  jesse needs to keep riding in that private jet to the scenes of crimes.

eacho peez
we are all we have
eat your peas
we all we got.

(ain't the english language grand?)


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