Thursday, May 24

another gorgeous day - bettter suited for playing golf than working inside.  but, gotta pay the bills...

I took my son to get his drivers license today - his 16th birthday.  the secretary of state offices are staffed with career bureaucrats who seem agitated that we dare show up and need them do do something.  but, we had the nicest woman wait on us - so, while I was prepared to write about what a shithole the place was, it was actually made nicer by a pleasant woman...but....having the person bring: a birth certificate, social security card, 2 pieces of mail, vehicle registration, insurance card, and the form attesting they have driven the proscribed number of hours is a bit much...considering the attorney general of the us has said no ID is needed to vote.  hmmm...why would that be????

I saw a story that some actor from the Big Bang Theory came out the closet and said he was gay...2 questions:
- who cares?
- and who would not have guessed he was gay?



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