Monday, May 14

the weekend went by way too fast.  they always do, don't they?  played golf on Saturday and took 2 stesp back.  oh well - that was only the 3rd time out.  one of these years I won't suck. 

Look at the b.s. in this story:
we are to believe that 30 years after the incident a chance meeting at o'hare leads to this story being re-hashed?  was there a police report?  was there any official documentation of it?  honestly - take a read.  this is a non-issue.  like eating dogs is.   oh wait - not much being made of that...or the "compression of characters". 

where is the same journalistic effort on the obama smoking pot and using cocaine story?  or the bribe being offered to his pastor to shut up?  the sealed records from high school...from college...from his selctive service registration...from his passport application....from his social security number assignment.....

keep moving folks...nothing to see here. 

eacho peez.


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