Friday, May 4

finally Friday.  Nothing matters but the weekend, from a Tuesday point of view.  That song must be, what....25 years old?   at any rate, always good to be Friday. 

still looking for some good news.  having a hard time...maybe the good news is all a compression, like our presidents girlfriend(s)

here is a follow up to my link yesterday:
look at the apologists for this aberrant, animalistic behavior. the police not thinking the beating of 2 whites by 30 blacks is a hate crime.  the newspaper alibi-ing why they did not cover the crime.  hang a noose in on someone's doorknob - national news coverage.  pull 2 whites out of their car and savagely beat them...well, that is an isolated incident.  move along, folks, nothing to see here.  look at this subjectively - how can you explain this?  the majority of whites and blacks have no beef with each other, and get along - or at least live and let live.  but why the uneven coverage of the fringe element from both races?

what a dump this country has become.  this is the norm.  the most divisive president and attorney general ever. 

we made a terrible mistake.

eacho peez.


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