Tuesday, May 15

closing in on the mid-point of May.  well, that will be tomorrow at noon.  It won't be long before I write that 2012 is half over....I wish I knew then what I know now....too soon old and too late smart...the sayings that used to be trite and unimportant really make sense now, don't they?

anyway, I have already been at work awhile.  get here early, get the system running, watch some old Cars videos on youtube...and then dig in.  a rut...but a good rut.  at least I have my good looks, small waistline, health. 

lots to write about today.  but really no zip - no fire today.  probably a good thing - reading some of these stories.....like the one below, really gets the blood pressure high.


at least we know eric holder will be all over this, right?  oh wait - it was a white guy attacked??...never mind.  move along.  nothing to see here.

and eacho peez, sheeple.


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