
Showing posts from July, 2012

Tuesday, July 31

where did July go?  the kids go back to school in August.  then football starts, then the leaves fall, then the time change,then winter.  I suppose we have about 4 months before the weather turns third of the year.  now watch how fast that goes. In my post yesterday, I mentioned that America loves a loser, hence the unexplained love for obama.  look at this story: instead of making kids pay to go to summer school, they are being paid to to to summer school.  a real good incentive for kids to do well during the regular school year, huh? have we built any new bridges, highways, monuments, traveled to space lateley?  well, no - but we pay lousy, undeerperforming students, and pander to illegals.  that is some progress, isn't it? oh, and the story about Obama perhaps being related to a slave, and potentially being a distant cousin to Warren about pandering to both

Monday, July 30

I am actually writing this on Sunday since I have been having trouble getting into gear, and writing in the morning.  but now finishing it at 6:30 Monday....Monday gets here too quickly after Friday. So, CNN plays the song "Stupid Girls" as a lead-in to a story about Sarah Palin speaking in support of Chick-fil-a.... wouldn't be great if FoxNews played "Baby Got Back" to lead into a story about Michelle Obama?...imagine the is that different from Stupid Girls, or playin Lyin Bitch when Michelle Bachmann was on Jimmy Fallon?  Americal loves an underdog...but the mainstream media appears to love an abject failure based on their blind support of our failure of a president.  leaderless, directionless, soul-less.  that is no way for a country to go through life. oh..gas prices going up.....gee - I wonder wh

Sunday, July 29

wow...I went to my 40 year grade school reunion last night.  what an experience!  40 years...and these folks had not changed at all.  Grammar school was such an innocent time.  Carefree.  I knew these people from 5th grade, when I transferred to Nansen, through 8th grade when we all went our separate ways.  my dad had died midway through 8th grade, and my word changed with going to work and all that....but last night, for one night, that carefree feeling was back.  really strange....Janice did a lovely job organizing, planning and getting us to show up.  thanks, Janice. again, wow.  kind of a passage to the next step moment.  what step that is...who know.  anyway, that lovely glow lasted until I played one of the worst rounds of golf for the year.  what a buzzkill.  anyway, I have no real biting words to write as to not shit all over the good vibe I have from last night.  I will return to my crabass self tomorrow. 

Saturday, July 28

boy...July is really flying by...oh wait, I covered that to the point of boredom many times before. another example of how the media is brainwashing us about what a failure of a president we have....the story on the news the other day was that the price of groceries is going to go up sharply due to the drought.  Milk, bread, meat, etc...all projected to go up in the next few months.... well, sheeple - here is a newsflash...the price of everything, food and non-food, is going to skyrocket due to jug-ears printing money in an out of control fashion.  the trillions that he put in play will have the effect of devaluing the dollar by the same percentage of the dollars added to circulation.  simple math...but if you think that way, you are no doubt a racist.  and if you are voting for Mitt Romney, you are a racist.  and if you think it odd that obama's records from birth were sealed, you are a racist. all of you - pea eating racists. November cannot get here soon enough eacho

Friday, July 27

the last Friday of July....the seventh month of 2012.  yikes...time is flying by. going to my 8th grade reunion tomorrow - 40 years....that is a long time.  Looking forward to seeing old friends and secretly hoping I find someone who has weathered the years worse than I have.  Maybe I can compare notes and see if anyone else is whizzing blood these days. I like to watch Bill O'Reilly.  I agree with his viewpoint on most things.  he writes a good piece here on the explosion in numbers of those on welfare and disability. this country used to do great things...take on incredibly ambitious projects.  now we just pay illegals to come here and live.  we pay people to feign disability to get paid for sitting home.  we have failed as a country.  check out this piece about the immigration problem: yes, folks.  we have failed.  the working man has lost.  we elected a president whose misson is t

Thursday, July 26

the day slipped by again.  must be another sign of getting old.  the health problem is under control, though.  that was not something I would like to experience again, so I will have no problem going for a few more tests if it means not having my precious bodily fluids escaping unnecessarily. so, this is too much.  emanual is not allowing chick-fil-a to build a restaurant in chicago because of the ceo's stance on believing marriage should be between a man and woman.  but, he is asking noted anti-semite and anti-american louis farrakahn to have his minions patrol the streets because emanual is powerless against the black mobs. how does the federal government let this happen?...oh wait, the failure that is the president is buddies with the fa

Wednesday, July 25

the day almost got away from me.  very busy.  good to be busy.  I saw a story today that Newsweek is going to electronic distribution only.  no more paper.  It will be interesting to see if others follow suit.  as they used to say when I was in the business forms industry: "there will be a paperless office the same time there is a paperless bathroom".  so who knows.  and if there was ever a sign that obama's presidency is a colossal failure beyond what anyone thought it would be, there is this": George Bush is acutally getting some love.  wow - who would have thought obama's single term would make people long for the days of George Bush?  of course, he did not command the American people to eat their peas, and I am pretty sure his wife was proud of her country before her husband ran for president. so, eacho peez.

Tuesday, July 24

I know what you are thinking...that July is flying by, right?  well it is. is where we are headed as a country: a gay couple is attacked by a mob (no description of the animals given) and it is being investigated as a hate crime. but, had it been 2 non-gay guys, or a hetero couple, there would be no press coverage, and certainly no hate crime. yet another example of how leaderless and soul-less our country is.  gotta give those illegals amnesty.  gotta classify millions as disabled.  but if you are white, you are fair game...that is what we are being told. and we are told  to EACHO PEEZ. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Happy Monday.  the weekend flew by.  I suppose I have to start scheduling the multiple appointments that I was told to do on Friday.  I am not used to going to the doctor.  I suppose you never get used to it, but I am one of those geeks that goes years without calling in sick. oh well - I will put my damaged goods in the hands of doctors. and, I'm confused....a few weeks ago, gas went up 20 cents a gallon because of the "positive economic news both here and in europe".  well, this first article talks about the next recession fast approacing (as if we ever got out of the depression we were in). and this article talks about Greece's depression, so, if we can be ass raped by the oil companies on this good news, imagine how we will get gouged when Romney is elected, and things actually improve. and we

Saturday, July 21

Played golf this morning, and it was nowhere near as god awful hot as it was 2 weeks ago.   makes a big difference.  I shot worse than 2 weeks ago, but felt better.  and, my expulsion of precious bodily fluids seems to be getting better.  still a few tests to be run, but hopefully I am on the backside of that awful mess.  getting old.  ain't so fun.  maybe eating more peas would help me.

Friday, July 20

I sat down to read the paper this morning and put the news on...and learned of the shootings in Colorado at the batman movie.  Is this what the country has become?  how tragic....people out to see the movie on opening night and 14 or more killed for no reason?   my problems...and pretty much most people's problems are nothing compared to the hell so many people out there are facing today.  what a mess this country is...and getting worse all the time.  leaderless, bankrupt, directionless.  we have allowed our once great country to degenerate into this.  hard to fathom, isn't it? but, at least the public servant is getting a six figure pension on top of his 6 figure salary for a job he is working illinois, what a shithole.

Thursday, July 19

not to sound like a broken record, but July is flying by.  soon we'll see the ads for back to school sales.  the days are noticeably shorter, but at sunup and sundown.  happens every year. today's WTF story is the recommendation that the chicago teachers get a double digit raise, and 35% over a few years.,0,6746773.story these teachers are turning out such assets to society, they deserve a raise....not.  scrap the whole education program and start over with people that know what they are doing. this is a disaster. and, of course, we have an illegal alien with a flight school teaching other illegals how to fly.  presumably not to land. did we learn nothing from 9/11?   we really need to wand and grope white people more aggressively in the airport lines.  and this - the post office

Wednesday, July 18

mid-week....still hot.  still summer. I have noticed a very troubling trend.  The rich and powerful seem to be having a lot of seizures. kerry kennedy, of the rich, powerful and drunk driving kennedys had a seizure and hit a few cars. then, recently, there was the cabinet member, the secretary of commerce, that had a seizure; this is truly alarming.  we need to start a new tax to fund a study on why the rich are having seizures, while the rest of us poor slobs just get pinched for drunk driving. once we have determined why the rich have seizures while driving, we can do a study on why the gas pedal only sticks when a 80+ year old is driving and plows into a crowd. and then we can eat our peas. oh yea, almost forgot.  some good stuff coming out from sheriff joe

Tuesday, July 17

This turned out to be one of those days - my whole routine was off since it was my first day back in the office.  I was not able to muster the normal irrational anger over things I have no control over.  maybe tomorrow.  until then, I will continue to identify those things that have disappointed me, so, like triple j, my mom can get up in front of a crowd and alibi as if everyone should accept that flimsy excuse and not wonder if the feds are closing in on me, or if I am in rehab due to too much blow, or why everyone but obama seems to be under federal scrutiny for the dirty dealings that continue to go on in Chicago. and peas...I will eat peas..... and you....eacho peez. I will try to be more inspriring, and less of a disappointment tomorrow.   

Monday, July 16

my last day off.....and, I really didn't feel like doing too much since I am still trying to figure out this kidney problem.  maybe the ultrasound tonight will shed some light on a piss-poor (pun intended) situation.  here is something that is shocking...just shocking.  obama refers to paramedics as paralegals....and the media ignores this humerous and newsworthy gaffe: time for letterman to show a clip of George Bush tripping over a curb.  I marvel at the hypocracy of that bunch - the ricketts family was lambasted because the old man was going to finance an ad campaign tying obama to rev. wright.....a campaign labeled as racist and inappropriate...however, millions are being spent by the obama campaing tying romney to bain capital...what is the difference????? In addition to "What the bleep happened?", I have been reading The Amateur, another look at obama

Saturday, July 14

No golf today.  hopefully my condition will improve and I will cease pissing blood and I will round back into shape and play next Saturday.  middle this what I have ahead of me?  a person only has so much blood to pee out.  so, poor jesse jackson jr. is plagued by disappointment - which is all we need to know about his extended absence from his job as congressman. it is really eerie that triple j and i are so much alike.  a list of my most recent enormous disappointments is: - Kate Upton has apparently passed me over for Justin Verlander - I have not won little lotto, daily game, power ball or big game, despite buying a lot of tickets. - My attempts to build a time travel machine have not been successful. - ditto for my attempts to find a living dinosaur, bigfoot or leprichaun. - My attempts to regrow my lost hair, and to get back to a 32 inch waist have not worked.

Friday, July 13

one more day off.  looks like a another hot one.  and I have more running around to get this effin new medical issue taken care of.  I am fine with sports injuries - i have had plenty of them.  but when something inside just starts malfunctioning.....that sucks.  I guess this is the first of many issues like this.  probably no golf for awhile.  this sucks. this sucks too: we working americans will work over half the year to pay for government.  half the year.  think about it.  our messiah is really doing a great job, isn't he?  but, romney outsourced jobs, so he must be racist.  this election is shaping up to be a real mess.  half the year goes to taxes. and the other half to peas so, eacho peez.

Thursday, July 12

well, so much for my love of hot weather.  i think playing golf in the heat and getting so dehydrated the last 2 weeks has not been good.  it is a shock to piss blood to have an unexpected consequence of getting so dehydrated.  well - hopefully the doc can tell me what to do, or prescribe whatever pill will stop that most unpleasant symptom.  that was a first for me...and I hope a last. I have been reading a book I downloaded - "What the bleep happened?".  it is a look at how obama hypnotized the nation and has embarked on a socialist agenda.  granted, it is written from a conservative point of view, but it is clear this unprepared mope is hell bent on destroying what made America great.  but, he has been good for the pea industry. eacho peez.

Tuesday, July 10

another nice summer day. the heat and sun continue, no rain in sight.  hard to keep the tomato plants alive with just watering once a day. so, the oil companies have decided enough is enough, and we should pay more for gas.  the reason for the rise in the price of gas????  why, the improving european financial disaster: how much has the eurpean economy improved???  why, so much that bonds have a negative return: now, a lot of times, a negative return means it is not really good.  but as it relates to gas prices, it means good, and you should welcome the higher gas prices.  so bend over and take your ass rapin. and eat your peas....always eat those peas. or...eacho peez.

Monday. July 9

this weather is more like it.  but, summer is summer.  the obama camp continues to make the romney/bain capital issue the key part of the obama campaign.  of course, if a sitting candidate has no record to run on, the campaign should be expected to be a negative one.  but, does a business leader not have an obligation to the shareholders to maximize profit?  if the government's own regulations push businesses toward outsourcing to china, then the regulations need to be changed to keep business in the country. another day, another hate crime commited by democrats that is not reported as a hate crime in the shithole called chicago.  at what point will the media report on this dirty little secret?  at what point will citizens be allowed to arm themselves against animals that cruise the streets in a stretch limo and get out to beat people for no reason? and here is some earth shattering news:  I saw a

Sunday, July 8

yesterday's golf game was really a hot one.  but it cooled off a bit today.  finally.  now only if it would rain...a lot.  everything is so burnt from the sun.  oh well - maybe next year we will have a good growing season. the chinese opened the gates on a gigantic dam they built. America used to take on projects like this....the Hoover dam, the panama canal, the Apollo project...but now we spend our money on wars, aid to illegals and bloated pensions for public workers.  our bridges are collapsing under the weight of the trains they carry.  our roads and schools are falling apart.  but, we have a lot of fat, overfed illegals here.  they must be following the direction of our leader, and eating a lot of peas. also, have you noticed how many celebrities are getting pinched for big tax payments they have not made?  so, the

Saturday, July 7

up at 4 am.  the life of an old man. I can't remember waking up as late as 7.  oh well - I'd rather be up doing something.  leaving at 5:20 to play golf.  it will probably be scorching, even though we tee off at 6:09.  beats sitting in the clubhouse waiting out a frost delay.  which we did a few times in april   obama is on the campaign trumpeting the economy's adding....8 thousand jobs.  that is laughable.  how is that progress?  how many unemployed were classified as "out of the workforce"? like most people who have jobs, I feel lucky to have one.  that will allow me to pay my fair share for public pensions, illegals and their benefits and of course, for those who have no insurance, and will not get free health care. and I can pay for my peas. eacho peez.  and now, off to golf.  and sweat.

Friday, July 6

the heat continues.  I feel for the people that have no power due to the storms.  at least it is Friday.  supposed to cool off...or be less toasty on Sunday. another mob beating in the shithole known as chicago on the night of the 4th.  when will that issue be dealt with?  put a noose on a door...that is national news.  50 feral youths beat a few unsuspecting white folks....not so much.  and that is repeated in cities throughout the country.  do a search - you will be aghast at the results you come up with.   we have lost, folks.  we are but one swirl from the absolute bottom of the toilet.  all that is left is to eacho peez.  november can't get here soon enough.

July 4 - 2nd post

I needed to post an update.  it is 100 degrees outside.  the budweiser is flowing.  it is official - it can never be too hot for me.  I love this weather.  joey chestnut ate 68 hotdogs today.  what a stupid non-event that is.  but 68 hot dogs?  as fat as I am, I can maybe eat 2.  plus, i bet he would suck at doing my job. and, if there was any doubt that illinois leads the country in ass raping its taxpayers, here is another example.,0,3241024.story she will be able to eat many peas now.

Wednesday, July 4

Happy Birthday, America. to all you Americans, you owe more for public pensions than you did yesterday.  you are responsible for more welfare and entitlement than you were yesterday.  your house is worth less than it was worth yesterday.  the president is campaigning on our dime.  and doing nothing just like the last 3 1/2 years. America - we are screwed. as for Chicago, with this heat, I fully expect the city to close all the beaches like they seem to do when it gets hot.  oh wait...that was due to the feral thugs beating everyone up...I didn't read anything about that. America - have we ever been in worse shape?  I think not. if you are using a toaster to light your sparklers, don't do it on a mattress. eacho red, white and blue peez today.

Tuesday, July 3

wow is it hot outside.  drink your beer fast before it gets wam.  that's what I do.  the day before the birthday of the US.  our desent to the bottom is picking up pace.  we have left the door open to illegals.  we have passed a new tax that will pay the health insurance for those not paying for health insurance.  even though our property values continue to drop, the property tax bill that came yesterday was much higher than the last one.  those 6 figure pensions don't pay for themselves, you know. i saw a news story that a house burned down because 2 kids were lighting sparklers on the toaster they had put on a matress.  we have failed as a country when we have children so stupid they light sparklers on a toaster placed on a mattress.  you would think the parents of the year of these stooges would at least provide the kids with a lighter.  and now back to work. many peas to eat.

Monday, July 2

we are into the second half of 2012.....the last 6 months sure flew by.  the weather - still very hot.  some violent storms yesterday, and of course, we got no rain by us.  I'm all for protecting wildlife, but this story about an American college student getting mauled by chimps is a bit much.  do we really need to make a sanctuary for animals that want to maul us? and, where are the reverands and why are they not speaking out???  just kidding...  I guess my concept of making a haven to take care of great white sharks might not be a good idea. i am still worn out from golfing in the heat yesterday.  maybe tomorrow I will have more energy to write nonsense.