Monday. July 9

this weather is more like it.  but, summer is summer. 

the obama camp continues to make the romney/bain capital issue the key part of the obama campaign.  of course, if a sitting candidate has no record to run on, the campaign should be expected to be a negative one.  but, does a business leader not have an obligation to the shareholders to maximize profit?  if the government's own regulations push businesses toward outsourcing to china, then the regulations need to be changed to keep business in the country.

another day, another hate crime commited by democrats that is not reported as a hate crime in the shithole called chicago.  at what point will the media report on this dirty little secret?  at what point will citizens be allowed to arm themselves against animals that cruise the streets in a stretch limo and get out to beat people for no reason?

and here is some earth shattering news:  I saw an article that said large breasted women are more likely to get breast cancer.  and presumably, giraffes are more likely to get sore throats. 

have a good monday. 


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