Sunday, July 29

wow...I went to my 40 year grade school reunion last night.  what an experience!  40 years...and these folks had not changed at all.  Grammar school was such an innocent time.  Carefree.  I knew these people from 5th grade, when I transferred to Nansen, through 8th grade when we all went our separate ways.  my dad had died midway through 8th grade, and my word changed with going to work and all that....but last night, for one night, that carefree feeling was back.  really strange....Janice did a lovely job organizing, planning and getting us to show up.  thanks, Janice. again, wow.  kind of a passage to the next step moment.  what step that is...who know. 

anyway, that lovely glow lasted until I played one of the worst rounds of golf for the year.  what a buzzkill. 

anyway, I have no real biting words to write as to not shit all over the good vibe I have from last night. 

I will return to my crabass self tomorrow. 


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