Wednesday, July 25

the day almost got away from me.  very busy.  good to be busy. 

I saw a story today that Newsweek is going to electronic distribution only.  no more paper.  It will be interesting to see if others follow suit.  as they used to say when I was in the business forms industry: "there will be a paperless office the same time there is a paperless bathroom".  so who knows. 

and if there was ever a sign that obama's presidency is a colossal failure beyond what anyone thought it would be, there is this":
George Bush is acutally getting some love. 

wow - who would have thought obama's single term would make people long for the days of George Bush?  of course, he did not command the American people to eat their peas, and I am pretty sure his wife was proud of her country before her husband ran for president.

so, eacho peez.


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